Chapter 16

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The Great Hall was just as loud as I remembered. The ceiling- my memory didn't do it justice. The night sky was vibrant, alive. The clouds were rolling, the stars were twinkling, the moon was that toe-nail kind that looked like a lop-sided smile. I felt a joy at coming back to this place, it was my home.

I couldn't help but let my eyes fall to the spot where my friends always sit- only to find Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George sitting there, beckoning me. I smiled and joined them immediately, sitting between Fred and George to chase away the thoughts of my old friends.

As I sat down, I looked at the head table, searching for familar faces- I almost fell off the bench. "watch it!" Fred and George caught me simultaneously and pulled me back up, laughing. Seriously! You've gotta be kidding me!There was no mistaking the person who sat at the head table- the one who was watching me like a hawk might watch it's prey- with those dark eyes, greasy, black hair, black robes, pale skin, hooked nose. I'm gonna die! He's gonna kill me! I started to hyperventilate. Severus Snape was a teacher here now. HE's GONNA KILL ME!

"Oi, you all right?" Fred asked.

"Uh, tell me Snape's- Snape's just visiting right?"

"No, He's the potions master." Yup, I'm gonna die. He's gonna kill me. He's gonna make me do some stupidly dangerous potion, it's gonna explode all over me, and he's just gonna-

"When are the first years gonna get here?" I heard Ron whine, "I'm hungry!"

"You're always hungry." Hermione dismissed as I sneaked a peak at the table again, Snape was looking elsewhere and my eyes moved down the table.

"Where's Hagrid?" I asked, sitting up, looking for the friendly half- giant.

"Dunno- probably helping the first-"

"No, it was that Grubblyplank woman." Harry looked as worried as I was.

"I'm sure he's fine, Hagrid can take care of himself." Hermione soothed.

I nodded, he could. He could do anything. I continued my search and found a few unfamiliar teachers, but most of them I recognised. McGonagall and Dumbledore made me smile- they looked exactly as I remembered them. My eyes fell on one person that made my skin crawl. She looked like a toad. She had a bow in her curly hair, a pink sweater(her whole outfit was pastel colors), here stare made me cringe and I was glad it wsn't directed at me.

I shared another look with Harry, he was worried. I winked at him, showing no worry etched on my own face, and looked as relaxed as possible. The first years came through and got sorted, much to Ron's relief (and mine). And after eating, Dumbledore gave his welcome speech to the new students and staff- one of which interrupted him! You don't interrupt Dumbledore. It's not an option. You're black listed if you do. And the person on this black list was our ministry sanctioned Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, Delores Umbridge.

THis doesn't fly with me, at all. You see, Dumbledore and I have this special relationship, he's my one and only teacher I will behave for. Anyone disrespects him- deals with me.

I focused on Dumbledore, not even pretending to listen to this insolent woman, sh'ed done ticked me off. He sat down, allowing her the floor as though he'd rather listen to her than talk himself.

I searched through my bag for a moment. Never taking my eyes away from the professor until I felt what I wanted, my hair bandy. I gathered my hair up and put it in a sloppy bun. Several of the teachers- McGonagall, Snape, and other Order of the Pheonix- widened their gazes. That was my one give away If i was really ticked off. Dumbledore made eye contact with me, a slight shake of the head. No.- NO?! That devil woman is going to- No?!

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