Chapter One

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The clouds ran over dark blue sky as rain droplets began plundering the world below it,slapping against the ground.Slowly the trees whistle into the wind and leaves begin to fall from the branches.Slowly the rain becomes harder,and in a faint distance yelling could be heard.A girls strangled moan echoed through the streets as a man pushes her up against a wall smashing there bodies together.The man had matted brown hair and striking blue eyes,his lips a gentle pink with black spider bites on his lower lip.Slowly the girl lets out one final moan before she grabs a card from her purse handing to the man and walking off drunk.Slowly the man began his journey back into the bar and suddenly he felt himself becoming uneasy.Slowly he got up from his stool and ran out of the bar,the rain creased his face as it dropped down his skin and he ran as his body dodged the rain that began falling harder.The cars around him rushing home in a flash and the lights a blur as his focus was getting home and not getting sick.As he neared home his eyes feasted upon the house across the street that had recently been moved into by the,'Stoffs'.Shaking it off he hustled to the front door dragging his feat against the rug outside and slipped his black converses off and placed them next to the door.As he opened the door to living room light was on and his mother and father sat there with dis-heartening looks.His mother had long flowing brown hair much like her son,and brown-Carmel eyes and a heartwarming grin.Her eyes were now dull and lacked color and her hair began turning grey,his father was much worse,his once combed back black hair,and piercing blue eyes were now a shade or two lighter and his hair falling out in patches at a time.He watched his parents and tried thinking of a quick excuse to let them off his back.
"Ben,don't lie to us honey,we know what you were doing and where you were at.." His mother voice crack into sobs
"Ben,what do I need to do to make this stop!YOU'RE KIlLING US HERE!" His father screamed,for the first time in nineteen years his father has never once yelled at him or even raised his voice at this point.Benjamin stumbled back and walked to his room,quickly ducking under the bed grabbing a small bag filled with white powder and a bottle of Jack Daniels.Slowly he pulled out his credit card and scraped some out placing it on his nightstand in a line or as straight as he could get it.Suddenly all his worries and pain left him as the powder started to work it's magic and he was numb and hallow.He smiled gently as he opened the bottle of jack and took a big gulp drinking half of the bottle in one go.Then his stomach churned and he felt guilt,this always happened when he came home on a night like this.He thought about going over Danny's or even just sleeping with some random cougar for the night.Pushing the thought aside his mind wondered back to the conversation he and his mother enforced this morning.As the moonlight shines on his tattooed body he groaned when he realized that tomorrow he has to meet the new neighbors.Slowly the light faded and all he heard was faint knocks on his bedroom door before it opened and he saw his mother choking back sobs.
By the time Ben woke up it was around one o'clock in the afternoon,slowly he grabbed a bottle of pills and a water bottle from his drawer and downed them easily.As the sun rose he knew that he would have to get ready for the dinner party his parents have planned.Groaning he grabbed a led Zeppelin muscle tee and skinny jeans and walked into the bathroom,suddenly he heated the doorbell go off and talking began,He muttered a silent 'Fuck' under his breathe as he got out and quickly dried his hair and brushed his teeth.As he left the room he was shocked he looked like a normal teen like before he started his phase.Chuckling at the memories he glanced at the people in the living room as he walked down the steps and leaned on the railing for support and his eyes feared upon a black hair beauty.
"Ben,these are the Stoff's our new neighbors." Ben grimaced at the sight yet shook Mr.Stoffs hand,and he grabbed his wife's and kissed her palm.
"Oh,what a gentleman.." Her Ukraine accent echoed through his ears and his cheeks a faint red.Suddenly his eyes went back to the black hair beauty whom made Ben feel whole .
"Benjamin,meet Denis he's seventeen years old,I think you two will get along greatly."As Ben looked at Denis his pants got tighter and he looked down seeing a bulge,how wonderful.

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