Chapter Two

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My life couldn't get any better,of course Denis kept biting his lip and it was so distracting.And now he was looking down at his lap with a shy grin,suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by my mother who held a worried look on her face.
"So Ben,what do you plan to do after this year?" Denis' father spoke,his accent threw me for a curve it was stupid and I couldn't understand it.
"Well,I plan on taking over my fathers job,becoming a intern and hopefully become the CEO." My voice determined and bold

"Well then my boy I wish you the best of luck."

After that conversation my parents told me to hang out with Denis,but I had other plans with Danny tonight.Slowly I walked towards the window as Denis was in the bathroom,and jumped out onto a tree and climbed down.I really do feel bad foot what I'm doing but tomorrow I'll be to drunk to remember.As I ran past all of the houses I found the bar and slipped right in,it was funny I'm under aged yet an alcoholic.Skimming my eyes over the bar I found Danny and threw my arm over his shoulder bringing his lips to mine in a sloppy kiss.You see me and Danny have been going out for awhile,and well I really do love him,but we always end up up cheating and fucking a whore and forgetting.Slowly I grabbed the bottle of Jack from his hands and downed the whole bottle,the burning in my throat numb and painless.Slowly I felt my hands wander to my phone where I had a text message from an unknown number,pushing it aside I left the bar feeling uneasy and guilt ridded,running home I opened the door and looked around everyone's eyes wee staring at me with questioning looks.
"I thought you and Denis were upstairs?" My mother asked with a confused face,suddenly the black haired beauty walked down the steps and saved my ass.
"We were upstairs,but Ben dropped his phone out the window",a small smile over took his features and lit up the whole room,after that they went home and I was sent to my room.If I knew why I did these things I'd stop,I can't do anything right I mean come on for fucks sake I'm drunk and have a ranging bulge in my pants..

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