Chapter Six

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It was raining,the dark clouds were over head,the sky was dark blue fading into a plum purple.The waves on the cliff were ragged and smashing into the rocks as they tumble down on to the ocean floor.The leaves whistle in the wind,but two people were running in the forest of the lost.

"Denis!Please stop!I love you!" Bens voice rang out,that only sparked Denis' need to do the dirty deed.He ran faster slowly the cliff came to his view and he looked down at the water with such emotion it could kill ones whole existence.Slowly step by step he was on the edge his back turned to the waves,he slowly began to pull a piece of paper from his pocket and dropped it to the ground before Denis could jump,Ben grabbed him but his foot slipped as he pushed Denis on the grass,Ben quickly caught himself but Denis shook away from his grasp and he pulled him in for a kiss and walked backwards and looked his love in the eyes for the last time,before he took one step and he was falling,Bens eyes shit open as he ended up grabbing Denis' hand it was sweaty and he was slipping away from his grasp.
"Goodbye Ben."

With that Ben grabbed his face quickly and kissed him passionately but slid away,he slowly fell,and with a splash his body was gone without another action.

-a year later-

There sat Ben holding a bottle of liquor,he sat on the cliff looking lovingly at the ocean plundering at a thought he grabbed the bottle and smashed it,grabbing a piece of broken glass he cut his wrist so deeply that he could of died in the spot,but no he slit his throat and threw himself over the cliff and spit out his last words.

"Denis this is my final goodbye.."

Slowly as his eyes closed,they snapped open as he repeated Denis last words written on the note meant for him.

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