Chapter Three

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After yesterday I noticed that Denis really didn't like to socialize nor did he like himself.Shaking my thoughts away I watched as Danny grabbed a boy at his locker and slammed him onto the floor attacking his fragile body,smiling slightly I laughed suddenly he got up and ran away.Slowly as I looked down I saw a golden watch that I recognized quickly,picking it up I placed it in my back pocket.Shrugging it off I kissed Danny on the cheek and walked off to class,as I walked in everyone eyes weren't on me for once they were on the boy in the back who was badly beaten up.As I got a closer look I saw that it was Denis my  stomach began to churn and I couldn't stand looking at him.But who did this because I was with Danny the whole morning besides the time he went for a piss.Slowly the bell rang and it was lunch,it was later in the day because we always showed up late no matter what.As I arrived I saw Denis pinned up against the lockers by no one in particular,Oliver Skyes.I was on good terms with him shrugging it off I walked up to Denis as he slid down the wall,chuckling I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him onto the wall and punched him square in the jaw,slowly blood began dripping from his lips and his nose was broke.His shoulders shook as he was crying,
"What's the matter Stoff?Crying already how useless.." Oliver his
"Pl-ease leave m-me a-a-lone.." His voice raspy and pained
Suddenly Oliver grabbed his arm pulling up his sleeves,his arms were littered by scars some even had stitches and he was so broken,there were black and blue marks everywhere,the word,'useless',was carved into his skin,my mind went wide with shock it was only his first day here and suddenly the picture formed,his parents.They did this to him,growling I punched Oliver in the face and a few teeth were knocked out,I picked Denis up bridal style and carried him to my car and drove to where it was safe.

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