Chapter Four

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Bens P.O.V
As I drove my car,I glanced next to me seeing Denis' nails clawing into his palms tearing open the skin.Its killing me to see him like this,I wish I could always be with him,I just know it's not fair.Depression was a sick illness taking over many lives and it sticks until it breaks them down until they can no longer bare taking a breathe,I remember all to well,I was once in Denis shoes in middle school,I was the nerd the one who did everything right then Danny and I decided we won't do this any longer.Turing the wheel I parked the car and pulled my keys out,looking next to me Denis was breathing heavily and his body was tense,my eyes wondered onto his body his eyes were a dull brown,lifeless and sunken in,his small button nose with a small hole for his nose ring,and his lips bruised and busted open,and slightly cracked.Sighing I grabbed his hand in mine and rubbed his knuckles to try to calm him down.He didn't want this,nor did he deserve this.Suddenly Denis jumped from his seat and ran into the woods,I sat there in shock and as ran I saw many razors,pill bottles,and even empty pill bottles.Suddenly I remember were I was,suicide cliff.Groaning I ran and ran until I caught up with Denis.Tackling him to the ground was the toughest thing I've ever had to do.He was so set on dying but I wasn't going to let him slip past my fingers yet,his fingers were clawing at the back of my neck.
"DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN FIX ME?!" Denis' voice scream,he wants to think he's better off dead.
"Listen.I know what it's like a small voice telling you you're not good enough,and you think your reflection is repulsing.And your family,is you can't fly with the Eagles don't fly with the flock.You're not a should of been,nor a would of been.Now stop because if no one cares,ask yourself why am I,your knight in shinning armor still here talking you out of death?"
His shoulders dropped and he buried his head in his knees shielding himself from me.Sighing I grab him placing him in-between my legs and run my fingers through his hair.Silently his whimpers and cries are covered by the sound of waves crashing below us under the cliff that many use to leave us all to early..

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