I think I'm Falling For You.

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Stiles and Derek slowly end up getting feelings for each other.


Derek hates pack meals. Always too crowded in the booths and too loud conversation, all talking over one another.

Scott, Liam, Erica and Lydia are squashed one side of the both, then Allison and Boyd and finally, Derek, Stiles and Isaac (and the pack's shopping bags). Everyone is eating curly fries and drinking Pepsi.

Stiles throws in a handful of fries into his mouth, crunching and munching. Derek nerves begin to be pulled by the wrapper of the rustles of retrieving the fries and Stiles loud eating. And just to put the cherry on top of the cake, Stiles picks up his drink. Puckering his lips to the straw, Stiles begins to slurp his Pepsi, annoying Derek even more when he begins to run out of Pepsi, so he shakes the cup.

"Do you have to be so loud?" Derek hisses out at Stiles.

"Do you have to be so quiet?" Stiles remarks. He makes somewhat of a smug grin, proud of himself at his comeback.

"At least I don't make so much noise that my mouth is open constantly." Stiles' jaw drops. Mouth open.

"My mouth is open constantly because it's hilarious to seduce someone who has never admitted their sexuali-"

"Stiles! Enough," Scott interrupts. "Pass me the ketchup." Stiles grunts, annoyed. He picked up the ketchup and intentional slams it down near Scott.

"Thanks, Stiles." Scott grins, trying to be adorable, making Allison smile.

"Oh no, it's okay you only interrupted my only chance to make a comeback at Sourwolf about his s-"

"Shut up." Derek says suddenly. He feels slightly embarrassed by Stiles questioning his sexuality, especially in front of his whole pack. His resisted the redness in his cheeks but burying his embarrassment with anger.

"No Derek, you really need to stop being so sour and start being sweet, then I can call you Sweetwolf, how lovely would that-"

"Stiles." Derek says in a warning tone, he cast a sideways glare at him. Isaac sits in between the two, looking back and forth between the two as they argue.

"Sourwolf, you should be a little more nice and then maybe people would actually like you, you grumpy old-" Derek stops listening, it struck straight home 'maybe people would actually like you'. He knows his attitude can make him unwanted company. It hurts.

"You should be a little less annoying and be slightly more respectful to the Alpha here." Derek furrows his brows with annoyance.

"And some big bad werewolf Alpha you are Derek, you can't even control your own anger never mind a whole pack." Stiles slurps his drink again, causing a vein to pop out of Derek's forehead. He's so annoyed.

"Would you stop slurping that drink."

"No Derek, you should stop-" He doesn't finish his sentence before Derek attacks him, grasping him almost by the neck, slamming his head into the both.

"Scott!" Isaac yells, trapped in between the two. "They're fighting, again." Isaac ducks and slides back in his seat, so he isn't in the way.

"Derek! Let go of him and Stiles would you stop aggravating him." Derek waits a moment but does let go. They all return to eating their fries.


Unfortunately for Derek and Stiles, they end up sat next to each other in the jeep. Derek sits in the front seat, with obviously Stiles driving and Scott, Liam and Boyd in the back. Allison is driving herself, Lydia, Isaac and Erica home.

Sterek [One Shots] (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now