A Criminal and His Heat.

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2. Stiles is training to be part of the FBI but then he comes across an alleged thief whose got an situation.


Derek had know that this was a bad idea before it had even started. He hadn't had sex in years, instead during his heat he would have to find other ways of satisfying his needs...

"Derek, come on. I need you to move." Derek was stunned, his dick buried deep in Stiles and he didn't want to make this worse. He had felt it coming and he couldn't avoid it. He couldn't stop it, he knew it was going to happen.

"I-uh-" Derek's ears were a deep shade of crimson red, which surprised Stiles. He had never seen Derek so embarrassed and flustered. Even speechless.

"Hey, Derek what's wrong?" Stiles' voice was soft as he spoke. He reached a hand out to Derek's cheek and rested there. He wriggled a bit, feeling awfully claustrophobic as he was still pushed against the changing room door, Derek pushed against him and in him. Derek's face was haunted.

He felt it next. Everything was tight and suddenly feeling scary but better. He bucked his hips up, his legs tightly around Derek's hips. He felt his back push up against the changing room door. He moaned quietly, then panicked, suddenly feeling tight in his insides.

"What the fu-" Derek growled a little, before leaning forward against Stiles' neck, trying to nibble the skin. "Derek, what the hell is that-"

"It's my knot...I-I didn't mean..." Derek was suddenly very embarrassed. His knot was now buried deep in Stiles and they'd be stuck here for a while longer. Next thing Derek knew, he was shooting into Stiles. Groaning out with his head now collapsed in Derek's neck. Stiles legs dangled around Derek, the friction of Derek's body against his, setting of fireworks for his downstairs. His juices spread across the both of them. Their lips smashed together, their breathing fast.

After the bliss of their fling, Derek panicked. "Shit." 

"Derek?" Stiles gripped onto Derek's shoulders, concerned. Derek slipped loose from his contact and slipped out of Stiles. Stiles feet dropped to the floor, and he quickly rushed to pick up their bundle of clothes.

Derek hadn't meant to do this.


They separated as quickly as they could, Derek still hot with Stiles' touch. He couldn't stop thinking about their moment, the thoughts and feelings swirling around his head. Stiles and Derek had driven separate ways after their session in the middle of the changing rooms... They had exchanged their numbers shortly afterwards and a few more smooches.

Derek drove fast, way over the speed limits, he couldn't get rid of the scent of Stiles. He was also incredibly on edge after their session. His mother hadn't gone into much detail when discussing knotting but when she spoke about it, it was a warning. Talia didn't warn her children often, but when she did, it was serious. Derek feared the worst.

Stiles was ecstatic, shaking hands as he drove down the road. He knew Scott would be free, so he dialled his number on hands-free.

"Scottie boy, I need to talk."


Stiles was unsettled and he tapped his hand on his leg whilst waiting for Scott to show up.

"What's up?"

"I just experienced something odd..."

"What kind of odd?" Scott sat down next to Stiles on his bed. He smiled a little.

"Derek knotted me in the middle of the changing rooms, after I frisked him because he was stealing." Stiles bit his lips, it was hot but scary.

"Dude, Derek Hale knotted you?" Scott laughed, this was all just some joke to him. Stiles glared.

"That's all you took out of that?!" Stiles huffed, slumping and lying back on his bed. Scott lay back too.

"Maybe you should take a pregnancy test." Scott laughed, to Stiles' dismay.

"I won't be and can't be pregnant."

"And if you are?"

"I'm not." Stiles hissed out, arms folded over and feeling suddenly agitated by Scott's words.


Stiles really should have taken that pregnancy test. He was gaining weight and feeling nauseous. All day and all night, all he could think about was him and Derek and where they went from there. He drove fast to Derek's house, hoping someone would be home. He stumbled out of his car and inside the hollow house.

"Hey there, Criminal." Stiles tried to joke as his voice echoed across the house. "You, uh have some explaining to do." He said quietly.

Then he was slammed into the nearest wall. The crunch of the leather jacket gave away who this person was.

"Dude, what the hell-" Stiles held his arms up in threat as Derek pushed him into the wall. "Last time you did this, you shoved your knot in my-"

"You won't ever speak of this again." Derek growled as stiles rolled his eyes, seemingly unthreatened. It wasn't until Stiles made a small sound, that Derek's demeanour suddenly changed. "What was that? What the hell was that?" Derek looked down fearfully at the sound.

"What was what? What just happened back there?" Stiles' eyes stared at Derek's, who was avoiding Stiles' eyes. He gripped Derek's shirt angry. "Derek, what the hell!"

Derek was truly spooked out, he released Stiles and escaped the grasp of Stiles, biting his lips and walking away. He began to pace. His uncle appeared to see what the commotion was about and he stopped at the bottom step laughing.

"Oh dearest nephew, what trouble have you gotten yourself into now?" Peter, stood in his v-neck shirt grinned. He knew exactly what was going on. "Your heat must have really been bad." Derek folded his arms over and scowled at his uncle.

"His heat?" Peter cocked his head at Stiles and smiled. "Can someone please tell me what is going on?"

"You should know, shouldn't you?" Peter grinned. "I mean, you're the one carrying our family name."

"What?" Stiles hissed out, as he stormed over to Derek and pushed him. "What does he mean I'm carrying your family name?" Derek couldn't look at Stiles, as he pushed at him, hitting him with his hands. "Answer me!" Peter rolled his eyes.

"You are carrying a Hale baby. The first one in almost eighteen years." Peter announced and Stiles stopped thumping Derek and he gripped Derek's shirt.

"I'm carrying Derek's baby?" Stiles' head slumped onto Derek's shoulder. "Wow, I did well didn't I? Getting knocked up by Derek Hale."


Part two, as requested! Thank you:)

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