I do.

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Stiles and Derek get married.



I see Stiles at the end of the isle, dressed in a suit also. His tie is the same colour as mine, blood red to represent passionate love and strength. The Sheriff, or father in law to be has his arm linked to Stiles'. They're both smiling, I'm smiling also. I'm so proud of Stiles and all he has done for everyone. I'm happy that I finally confessed love to him after at least 3 years of crushing on him, 2 years ago. And here, 2 years after my confession, he is marrying me making me the happiest person to ever live. I grin widely, showing my teeth. His caramel brown eyes connect to my own and we share a look of pure heart melt. I love him so much.

He reaches the end of the isle, his dad takes a seat on the front row, and Stiles joins me. He stands so close in front of me, his happiness radiating off of him. I look down to his lips, oh how much I want to kiss him right now.


After many lines have been said, we take on the vows.

"I promise to always love you, protect you and annoy you." Stiles says, making everybody laugh. "I'm going to do my best at ensuring you're happy, you're well and you're mine. Because Derek, I never ever want to lose you." I smile, I can't help but release a small tear. "Oh my gosh, Derek are you crying?" Quickly, I rub my eyes with my sleeve. Everybody coos, so I grin at Stiles shyly.

"Stiles, I never ever want to lose you either. Honestly, you're the only thing that has made me happy since the fire... And I'm so glad to be marrying you. I'm happy that you chose me, even though I can be one big old, grumpy 'Sourwolf'." Stiles nods, laughing. The pair take each other's hands. "And I promise to always protect you, love you and be with you." I bring his hands up to my lips, and kiss each one. "I love you." I say quieter. Everybody 'Awws' making me blush.

"I love you too, Der." I grin, placing the ring on his finger. He does the same.

"Do you take the Derek Hale to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Says Stiles.

"Do you take Stiles Stilinski to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes, I do." I say confidently.

"You may now share a kiss."

I immediately press my lips to his, I place my hands on the small of his back and he wraps his arms around me neck. We pull away slowly, not wanting to ever let go of each other.

"I love you Sourwolf." He whispers to me. Then he tears up, and I follow. We cry together of happiness. I will forever treasure this day, as long as I live.

I press my lips back to his again, missing the warmth.

"I love you too." I mouth, Stiles smiles and I pull away to stare at him. He's beautiful and he's all mine.

Sterek [One Shots] (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now