Chapter 14

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The next morning arrived soon enough. Since it was Saturday, the four friends each had a lie in. James was the first to rise from the dad at half past ten; he had to get up because he had somehow convinced Lily to spend the day with him. Peter also had to get up as he was visiting his parents for the weekend. Thanks to Wormtail's alarm clock however, it woke his two other roommates; one was annoyed and threw a pillow at the smaller boy whilst the other shrugged it off and slowly allowed himself to wake up. Remus decided upon rising from the land of sleep because he didn't want to be a lazy sod; Sirius did the same, but only once his friend asked if he wanted to get some early lunch with him. Who would say no to that?? 

After taking turns to use the bathroom, both teenagers were showered and dressed in their casual clothes - t-shirts, jeans and shoes; they left their dorm and made their way down to the Great Hall where they grabbed some brunch before sitting down at their table to eat and chat. "So what do you have planned for today??" Remus asked, only receiving a shrug "don't know really, I'll probably just hang out with you" Sirius grinned "but we have to actually do something fun!! No homework or reading". The injured teen chuckled at his friend "one, I did all of my homework yesterday during your football practice" he stated proudly "and two, what's so bad about readying??". Padfoot just sent the teen a blank look before stating that readying is boring "how about we....go swimming??" he suggested; Remus thought for a moment before nodding in agreement "yeah, go on then". As soon as they finished eating, the two friends raced to their dorm and packed a swimming back for themselves.

After an hour long bus ride and a five minute walk, the school boys found themselves entering the swimming centre, paying for their time before finding the changing rooms; they hurried into separate stalls to change into their swim wear. Sirius was finished first, leaving the stall in a pair of dark red trunks before choosing one of the lockers in the corner of the room to store and secure his things; he turned around when he heard someone's foot steps approach him. It was Remus of course....a shirtless Remus in blue swimming trunks. As soon as they saw one another, both friends instantly blushes as they thought the exact same thing 'holy's fucking hot!!'. The beaten teen quickly threw his things in the same locker that his friend had picked before they made their way into the pool area, the scent of chlorine attacking their noses. Sirius had decided upon fun on diving into the pool, earning a laugh and fond shake of the head from his more sensible friend who chose to use the ladder. 

They swam around for a while, entering splash fights and dunking one another; Sirius even began to challenge his friend. "Last one to reach the bottom of the pool has to pay for milkshakes later??" Remus couldn't hold back his smirk as he agreed "go on then" that instantly earned a grin "you're on". Once both teens were at the deep end, the challenge began on the count of three; it was quite humorous but in the end, Sirius was the one to win - after the five minute attempt of course. "Ha!! Yes!!" the winner cheered once both teens had returned to the surface "looks like you're buying" Sirius gloated. Instead of being annoyed, the beaten teen smiled and even laughed, feeling more happy and cheerful then...ever!! 

After their paid three hours were up, the two friends left the pool and returned to the changing room; Remus grabbed the shampoo and conditioner from their locker before joining the other teen in the showers. They washed their hair before drying off and changing back into their clothes in separate stalls; they had to wait for Sirius to dry and style his hair of course. As soon as they left the swimming centre, they searched and found a nice diner within walking distance; they ordered two milkshakes and some ice cream, quickly downing them within thirty minutes before deciding to go on a stroll through a park. "I can't remember the last time I had so much fun" Remus stated, truth staining his voice; it made Sirius smile happily "I'm glad you had fun today Moony, today has been great" he agreed. 

They sat on one of the park bench and spoke for a while until they eventually realized the time - six O clock!! Time sure flies when you're having fun. "Come on, we better get back" Sirius stated "the bus leaves in ten minutes!!" grabbing his friends hand, they began to run through the park, down the streets and onto the bus with a few seconds to spare - they continued to smile no matter what. Upon their return to Hogwarts, the two entered their dorm to relax to a while; Sirius surprisingly chose to complete his own homework whilst his roommate watched a random TV show. Within a few minutes, the working teen could be heard asking for his friends help; Remus smiled as he stood up from his bed and joined Sirius at his desk, pulling up a chair next to him "sure Pads".

After what felt like hours, the homework was finally completed "that took forever" Sirius explained as he sat back in his chair; it made Remus chuckle "it wouldn't if you actually paid attention in class" was all he said. He wasn't exactly wrong. All of a sudden, the shoulder length haired boy seemed to become...nervous?? "Em...Moony" he began, catching the other school boys attention "could I ask you something??" Remus sent his friend a smile of reassurance "you can tell me anything Pads, you know that". It didn't seem to help but thankfully, Sirius continued to talk - he was hesitant though "Prongs and Wormtail told me that I should...admit something to you" he explained "but it's kind of difficult....I really don't want to lose you as a friend". Okay, now that was worrying "what are you talking about??" Remus asked, his confusion thick in his voice " could never ever lose me as a friend, you saved my life, taught me how to have showed me how to actually live and have a life". 

Both teenagers couldn't hold back their smiles from the statement before Sirius sighed, dropping his nerve wrecked gaze to his lap "Moony....I've been keeping something from you, hiding something....have done for some time now" he felt a bit....ashamed that he had kept a secret from one of his best friends but it wasn't something easy to say "and it's something you need to know...something I feel like you should know". Remus felt the worry and confusion build up "what...what do I need to know Sirius??" he was using his real name to allow his friend to know that he was listening and that he was taking this talk seriously - pun not intended. Taking a deep breath, Sirius spoke before all of his courage had drained from his body "Remus I....I like you".

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