Chapter 3

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*Present Day*

Chris's P.O.V

It's been 10 years, 10 fucking years, and I still haven't met the person I've been wanting to meet my whole life, my long lost sister. It's been distracting me from other things but I try my best ignoring it.

I sighed and got up. My band and I have been off tour for almost a month now, we're going back next week. I then received a phone call, it was one of my closest friends and photographers; Michelle

"Hey Michelle" I said

"Hey Chris!"

I chuckled "okay what do you want?"

She giggled "I just wanted to ask you if you'll like to do a photoshoot later on today? It's been awhile sense we've done one"

"Uh sure, that'd be cool"

"Okay yay!"

"Anything else?" I asked curiously laughing

"No" she giggled "at 3pm okay?" She said

"Okay, bye Michelle"


I hung up and went to my room to get ready.

Laura's P.O.V

I was reading one of my all time favorite books "the otherworldies" and in the living room listening to music when randomly Skylar paused the music. "Hey! It was about to get to my favorite line" I pouted, I was listening to "Scream!" By The Misfits.

She giggled "sorry"

I continued pouting

"Anyways, I want you to listen to something!" She said, grabbing my phone and typing something into YouTube. I put my book down and crossed my arms "okay what is it?" I asked

"Just listen" she commanded handing me back my phone. I put on my earbuds and pressed play to the song.



You pull the trigger just for fun
Forgetting I'm a loaded gun
So hate me for the things I've done
And not for what I've now become

I want this
I need this
I love it

Crawling from hell, fallen from grace,
And there is nothing left to take.
Leaving the past to the grave
So we can reincarnate

You sit upon your throne of filth
Condemning what you haven't built
So hate me 'cause you're standing still
Watching while I shoot to kill

I live this
I breathe this
You crave it

Crawling from hell, fallen from grace,
And there is nothing left to take.
Leaving the past to the grave
So we can reincarnate

There's one thing you forget
You can't make me play dead
I've swallowed your bullshit
No respect, you make me fucking sick

Give me a reason!

I won't bite my tongue
I am not afraid
A dominion of nothing is all you will reign
You laugh, but what did you create?
Bitch, you give a fucking aspirin a headache

Through hell, from grace
There's nothing left

Crawling from hell, fallen from grace,
There's nothing left for you to take
Driving the nail through my mistakes
So we can reincarnate

We lie down
We're sore and sick
We fall down
Sink or swim
The remedy for who we are and what lies beneath

I took off my earbuds as soon as the song finished. Sky was smiling like an idiot "so..?"

I smiled "I like it"

"Yay!" She cheered jumping a little. I giggled.

"Who are they?" I asked curiously

"Motionless In White" she replied

"I think I found my new favorite band" I replied


Chris's P.O.V

As soon as I got ready I went over to the place me and Michelle were shooting. I smiled as I saw her running towards me "Chris!" She squealed hugging me tightly.

I laughed "hey Michelle"

"Sorry it's just been forever!"

"It okay" I smiled

"Yeah... Anyways let's just get this shoot over with" she giggled.

I stood in front of the white wall, cameras and lights scattered all over the room.

"Okay you already know what to do Cerulli" she smiled

I laughed, and started posing for the photos. She would sometimes tell me what to do; like to look more up, more down, stand straight, etc. you know photographer shit.

After the shoot she showed me the photos. I picked out the ones I liked.

"Okay, I guess we're done here. It was awesome hanging out again" she said

"Yeah it was" I hugged her "I'll see you then okay?" I said

She nodded "of course"

I smiled, I loved having Michelle as a friend.
A/N: so just wanted to say that the picture above was NOT taken by MichellexStar. But for now in the story it will be. Anyways, I'll try updating everyday and also ignore the errors XD -Laura

Long Lost Twins (Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now