Chapter 2

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*October 17th, 2004*

Chris's P.O.V

I open my eyes to see nothing but light from my window. I groan and cover my face with my blankets until I remember, I'm turning 18 today!

I quickly got my sleepy ass up and got ready. I changed into black jeans, a misfits shirt, and did my hair and makeup. I went downstairs just to be greeted by my family.

"Happy Birthday!"

I smiled at my younger siblings and my parents. My brother and sister hugged me including my parents. "Look at you! You've grown up so much! And what did I say about putting on makeup?" My mom said after kissing my cheek. I rolled my eyes playfully "oh mom". She laughed.

We sat at the dinner table where there sat a cake with the words "Happy Birthday Christopher" it would have been better if they just put Chris but whatever. They started singing happy birthday "now blow out the candles!" My little sister Chelsea said.

I blew out my candles

I laughed as everyone cheered. That's until my parents walked out of the kitchen to talk in the hallway. I was curious about what they were talking about but at that very moment I didn't care to much of it.

"Chris, can your dad and I talk to you in private?"

I hesitated but then slowly got out of my seat and went over to my parents. "Christopher, we've been hiding something... We thought just telling you now would be best..." My mom says softly

I raised my eyebrows "umm okay". She continued "Chris... You have a twin sister..." She said looking down


My dad nodded "yeah you have another sister". I didn't know what to say... I just stood still not saying a word, but that didn't stop me from asking questions.

"Where is she? Is she dead? Is she alive? Does she know i exist? Why did you give her up? Does she know you gu-"

My mom cut me off "Christopher! Yes, she's alive. But no...we don't know if the parents that have her have told her... She may think the parents that have her are her real parents..."

"Can you at least tell me why you only took me, but not her?" I asked softly.

She nodded "yes"

We decided to go into the living room and talk. "Her name is Laura, Laura Juliet Cerulli. She's actually the older twin by 3 minutes. The nurses, your dad, and I all thought we were only having you.. Turns out the ultrasounds we took were wrong"

I nodded and let her continue

"Soon after you both were born, I was happy. When I first laid eyes on both of you all I could feel was love. But we didn't have enough money to take care of both of you. Along with that we only had things for you, just boy related things. You may think we're stupid for making that choice though" she said her eyes starting to look glassy.

"No you're not.. I understand" I replied softly looking at her and my dad. "Have you at least tried meeting her?" I asked

"Well... We would but we think she wouldn't want to be near us for giving her up..." She replied this time she was really crying.

I hugged my mother tightly "I bet you she wouldn't do that"

"Still... I wish she were here" she said

"Don't worry... You'll meet her some day" I assured her


Laura's P.O.V

I was in the kitchen making myself a bowl of cereal. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" My best friend Skylar yelled behind me. "JESUS CHRIST!!!" I shrieked. She giggled "got ya! I could never scare you until now" I nodded "yeah totally got me this time" I laughed.

"Also thank you for the birthday greeting" I said eating my cereal

"Your welcome!" She smiled

I put my empty bowl in the sink "I'm gonna change" I said and went up to my room to get ready. I put on a black tank top and black shorts, and of course as always did my makeup dark. I put a flower crown on top of my teal colored hair, then again the color of my hair will change next month. I liked having different colored hair.

"Laura, Someone's calling you" Skylar said coming into my room hanging me my phone. "Oh thanks" I said

I picked up "Hello?"

"Happy birthday sweetie!" A familiar female voice said though the line

"Oh hey mom! What's up?" I said a smile tugging from the corners of my lips.

"I'm good... But I have to tell you something..."

"Well then tell me!" I exclaimed

"Uh... Laura I'm scared if you wouldn't think the same about me anymor-"

"What are you on about? Just tell me it's okay" I said

"Laura, I'm no- I'm not-"

"You're not what...?"

"I'm not your real mother" she said finally

My smile started fading "you mean.. I'm adopted?"

"I'm sorry but yes... You are and you also have a twin brother named Christopher" she said sadly, her voice cracked I knew she was crying.

A tear slipped down my cheek I quickly whipped it away "oh... I don't know what to say" I said quietly.

"I'm sorry I never told you... I love you Laura. I hope to see you in person in a couple of days. I sadly need to go... Bye sweetie." She hung up.

I stood there, completely still. Skylar then walked in "hey, you okay?" She asked. "Huh? Yeah I'm fine"

She shook her head "No you're not, tell me it's okay"

"I said I'm fine Sky, I promise". I walked out and went into the living room, I sat down on the couch Sky following. I watched TV as we sat there in silence. I thought to myself  'who are my parents? Where is my twin? Does he know I exist? Does he know that I want to go out and find him and my real family?'. I thought about it through out the whole day.

Long Lost Twins (Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now