Chapter 5

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Laura's P.O.V

*2 months later*

Can't believe its actually the day we're gonna see my now favorite band with my best friend Skylar!

I was in my room doing my makeup, as per usual black smokey eyes and blood red lipstick. I curled my long black hair, then put on a beanie. I wore a MIW shirt with leather pants along with some platforms.

"Wow so goth" Skylar teased as I walked into the living room. "Wow so girly" I teased back

"Bitch" she said putting her hand over her chest pretending she offended. I giggled "I'm kidding you actually look cute". She was wearing a more 'normal' makeup look and wore an MIW tank top. 

She smiled "thanks, you do too. I just wanted to see what people will think when I walk in and be like 'who invited the prep here?'" She said laughing

"Oh well you know you're not preppy"  I replied "I know but that's just what people assume when I walk into a room with you" she giggled

"Obviously" I smiled.

"Anyways... Are you ready?" She asked getting up.

I nodded and got up as well "more than ready" I replied. She smiled "okay then let's go"

We went outside to her car. The whole way we sang to MIW songs, people form other cars were staring but we didn't care. All I knew was that this concert was gonna be a hella lit (A/N: Yes I meant that XD).

Chris's P.O.V

I was in the bus getting ready for our last show 'fucking finally' I thought. Like don't get me wrong I love my fans but shit have I been stressed.

"C'mon hurry up Chris!" Ricky yelled. "I'm coming in just a sec!" I replied fixing my hair. "You better" he replied.

I got out of the bathrooms do went outside to the venue where I found my band and our tour manager Josh standing there.

"It's about time, anyways you guys ready?" Josh asked. We all nodded. I could hear all of the cheering and chanting fans, man do I love hearing our creatures excited.

After about 5 minutes everyone was on stage, me being the last. I went up all the crowd cheering.

We started playing a few songs, and me of course being the talkative bitch I am, would talk in the middle show after a few songs.

While I was talking about the other bands we were touring with oh this tour I heard a girl in the front yell "I LOVE YOU CHRIS!!!" I laughed "I love you too! Shoutout to the girl in the front who actually stands out from everyone!" I said.

The girl looked more as what society might say 'normal'.  But sense she was at our concert and was screaming the lyrics to our songs, I knew that her personality was far more different than her appearance.

The crowd cheered right after what I said about shouting her out. Even through the pure darkness I knew the girl was blushing. She started talking and fangirling with her friend which was well goth like the other people in the crowd. Her friend gave me a vibe about something in my mind... I just don't know what.. All I know it's not bad though.

I smiled as I talked more and finally started playing again. So far it was a good show.

Laura's P.O.V

"I LOVE YOU CHRIS!!!!" Skylar screamed. I laughed at how loudly she said it, and basing the fact that Chris was still talking.

Chris laughed, "I love you too! Shoutout to the girl in the front who actually stands out from everyone!" He said in the mic.

The crowd started cheering, Skylar started blushing "oh my god he actually noticed me!!!" She squealed

I giggled "I know right!". I noticed Chris still looking at our direction while he was taking his smile slowly fading, his face more focused. I didn't pay much attention to that though just listened to what he had to say.

Soon after they started playing a few more songs. Truly, one of the best concerts I've been to in my life.
A/N: Yay new chapter! So what you guys think? I have a feeling you guys will like the next chapter better but whatever haha.

Also I wanted to list some of the characters that you guys know so far and see how they look like so here you go!

Chris Cerulli (Motionless): As himself

Laura Jones (actually Cerulli in story, remember she was adopted): As Kali Noir Diamond

Skylar: As Nikkie Tutorials (pic above)

Long Lost Twins (Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now