Chapter 4

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Laura's P.O.V

"LAURA!!!" Skylar yelled coming into my room.

"WHAT?!" I yelled back in her face. She frowned "you didn't have to yell". I rolled my eyes "whatever.. What is it Sky?"

"Well remember when I showed you that band "Motionless In White" the other day?"  She asked

I nodded slightly

"Well.." She reached into her pocket "I may or may not got tickets for there show in two months" she said smirking holding up two tickets.

"Dude are you serious?" I asked excitedly getting up. "Yup I'm being serious" she said proudly

I smiled hugging her "yay we're gonna see them!... Wait.. This is gonna sound weird but I've never actually seen them"

She raised her eyebrow "what do you mean 'seen' them?" She asked. "Like a photo of them.. I've only heard a few songs" I replied

"Oh well.." She pulled out her phone

"Here, there's a photo of them" she said handing me her phone

"Oh shit" I said looking at the photo of them. They were as gothic as she expected

"The guy in the front, Chris, reminds me of you" Skylar said giggling

" also have a twin brother named Christopher". My adoptive mother's voice echoed in my head. I shook my head 'what the hell were you thinking Laura? He's not your brother it's just a coincidence' I said to myself

I giggled "that's cool, I don't see it though" I said pretending I don't notice that he does look sort of like me. It I just brushed that off she's just joking

She laughed "whatever, in my mind you guys could be twins" she said.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" I replied

She smiled "anyways, I'm going back to my room oh and.." She took her phone out of my hands

"That's mine thank you very much" she said. I laughed

"See ya in like two hours for dinner" Skylar said.

I giggled "okay sky"


Chris's P.O.V

I was on the tour bus with my band, we were watching hockey. Yes, it was my idea to watch it.

I love touring, but at the same time it's been hard for me sense all these years I'm just thinking about my sister. Thank god we only have two more months.

"Earth to Chris" Said a familiar voice, I shook my head from thinking into my thoughts.

"They just scored" Ricky said, he was obviously talking about my favorite team playing and scoring something. "Oh that's cool" I said softly

"Huh you've been acting weird lately" Ricky said suspiciously "something on your mind?" He asked

"What? No there's nothing..." I said trying to get him to ignore me.

"Uh huh.. Okay whatever" he said turning his head back to the screen the game still playing.

I got up "I'm gonna... Take a nap" I said. Everyone nodded, I went to the bunk area and quickly went to my bunk. I laid there thinking.

'Will I ever meet her? Will she ever meet me? Will I ever find her?'

While thinking deep into my thoughts and asking questions I slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Long Lost Twins (Chris Motionless)Where stories live. Discover now