Chapter 5

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I lie lazily under a scraggly tree. It offers very little shade but it is the only tree for what appears to be miles. Red rock stretches out before me farther than I can see. There isn't it a cloud in the sky and only a small dry breeze making the day hot and I feel sticky.

Someone taps my soldier from behind. I turn and grin. The boy staring back at me is tall, sturdily built with curly brown hair flopping over his shining green eyes.

My brother, Teacher.

I quickly stand up and am about to say something when he grabs me and hangs me upside down. I shriek and giggle. "Teacher stop! Stop! Set me down!"

He has a wild grin on his face, "You want me to set you down?"

I know exactly what he plans to do,

"No-" I start but he drops me on my face before I can finish. It's a lot gentler than it could have been but still. Somehow I am still impossibly happy. I hop right back up, "I am going to get you!"

"Only if you can catch me, Thief." He runs off. By the time I start running he is already too far ahead for me to catch even if he isn't going his fastest. My legs are too short but I try anyway. He only seems to get farther away. He keeps going until I can't see him anymore. It is only then when I realize how big this place really is and now I am alone. And I have no idea how to get home.

"Teacher!" I call out. I keep calling out but I never get any response.

The sun starts to set and the air starts to cool. And that is when I get scared. I want to go home.
What if I never go home?

What if I never see my family again?

I sit down in the red dirt, lean against a large rock and start to cry. Almost don't hear a voice calling my name. "Thief! Thief, where are you?" 

I jump off the ground and start running towards the sound. I will be going home after all!

"Wait for Thief stop. Thief, there's a-" I don't hear him until its too late I have already fallen off of a cliff and into a canyon.

I seem to fall for a very long time.

My eyes snap open and I cry out. All I can see is light. All I can remember is falling. Falling. Endlessly falling. Now I am somewhere soft. Soft and comfortable. So not falling but why am I here. My memory is fuzzy. I was supposed to do something important. I have to do something important but I can't remember what. My mind is so fuzzy.

The whole world comes into focus. I am lying in a bedroom and I'm sure it isn't my own. I am lying in a stranger's bed with strange blankets laid gently on top of me. I jerk up. I have to leave. I can't remember exactly why but I have to hurry. 

"Ah Hello, you're awake then... I was waiting for you."

My head turns to the sudden noise. There is a man sitting in a wooden chair watching me intensely. I should be scared but I'm not. Everything about this man says, friend. Besides, there is nothing scary about this man. He is more goofy looking than anything else. A silly grin that seems to be permanently plastered on his face just above an oddly shaped chin, square but too long and also a little rounded if that makes any sense at all. Light brown floppy hair falls just above bright inquisitive eyes.

He straightens his tweed jacket and then moves on to a bright red bow tie that seems just a tad bit old fashioned for this time. He clears his throat, "You were sick, very sick. I helped you."

It all starts to come back. My trip to this house to find another Time Lord. I was sick and weak. I didn't think I would make it and then a human girl opened the door. I thought I had lost all hope and then this man...

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