Chapter 8

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I am not making a big effort to get away. I'm just sulking, feeling sorry for myself. Pitiful right?
He catches up easily.               

"Thief wait please!" He calls out. I don't slow down so he walks with me.

I look up at him. He has that look on his face. One that is constantly amusing if you're in a good mood but now it's annoying. It fuels my anger. "Why don't you just leave. Take my brother on whatever dangerous adventures you want and leave me be."

"Thief I didn't-"

I grin maliciously, "Oh I can't wait to hear this excuse. What didn't you do or say? Or is it that you didn't mean to be so amazing that my brother would choose you over the only family he has left."

He abandons whatever excuse he was about to make, "Thief he wants to go."

"He doesn't know how dangerous it will be. I've heard stories. Wonderful stories of adventures that most of us would never dream of having. Stories of the courage to break every rule, every guideline. Doing the extraordinary." 

"I don't see what's wrong with that," He almost laughs, "It's fun too."

"Yeah maybe afterward," I sigh angrily, "But some people, you, for example, forget that rules are there to keep us safe. People get hurt on adventures. And being extraordinary isn't all that it's cracked up to be."

Now he does laugh, "I think it is and I would know. Give me one example."

That's it. That cocky grin. That gleam in his eyes. Like he knows anything. I bet it drives his enemies crazy. Of course, it's driving me crazy so what does that mean? "Us, Galifrey. We were amazing, the best even. so the Daleks targeted us. And one day that will happen to you too."

I look back up at him and am glad to see that I wiped his silly little grin off his face. Now he looks like he's been slapped but only for a second. Then that expression is gone and replaced once again with a cocky half smile. It doesn't bother me so much now. I got to him. He slips something out of his coat pocket and throws it to me. My hand instinctively reaches out to catch it. I shouldn't have bothered. It is a small metal device. I recognize it. An earth device. A cell phone.

"I know you hate me but you can still come with us. You're always welcome," I shake my head. After everything, I just said what would make him think I changed my mind, "I know your brother doesn't think he needs you but he does and you need him. Soon enough you'll both realize that."

"What's this for?" I don't look at him because for once he's right. But that isn't something I need to realize. I know right now that I need my brother but he no longer needs me. I am in serious danger of crying now. I try to blink away the tears but that doesn't help.

"For when you realize that or if you just need help. It's a dangerous world Thief. I'll keep him safe." I have half a mind to throw the cell phone against the nearest wall and watch it shatter but I don't. I slip it into my own pocket and listen to the Doctor's footsteps fade away.

"Thank you," I whisper when I know he can't hear me anymore. I don't know exactly what I am thanking him for. The cell phone? The promise to keep Runner safe? Or something else? I decide it doesn't matter. A thank you was due I know that much so I gave it to him. Does it still count if he couldn't hear it? I get the urge to call him just to make sure he knows but that would be stupid. 

I hear the TARDIS taking off. I imagine it fading in and out until it is entirely gone. The sound stops and I burst into tears. How did I manage to mess up so much today? I saved my brother and lost him all in the same day. I finally got to confront my father's biggest enemy but not in the way I hoped. I realize that I am not actually that upset. I am simply disappointed and angry with myself. I could have stopped this. My hands become fists and I attack the wall. I expect a hard surface but instead, my hand goes right through a soft water damaged wall. Somehow that only makes it worse.  I let out a frustrated scream. I want to call him right now and tell him to bring my brother back. I want to be with him even if it means being with the Doctor too. But I won't, I'm much too stubborn for that.

That's when it happens. I hear it again. That horrible TARDIS sound that means the Doctor is near. But it also means Runner. The brother who abandoned me but for some reason that doesn't bother me in the slightest. I can already feel a smile coming on. Against my better judgment, I sit and wait for it to materialize. When it does the doors fly open and Runner bursts through.

"Thief!" He wraps his long arms around me and buries me in a hug, "Thief I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I couldn't leave not without you. I just couldn't."

He releases me, "Runner I-"

"No please," He signals for me to stop, "Let me go first. I realized that no matter how much I wanted to travel with the Doctor I wanted to be with you more. I know I didn't act like it. I was being a stupid child. I still want to go with the Doctor I really do but not if you're not by my side. Think of the fun we could have. Of course in the end, wherever you go I will go. We're family we have to stick together."

"Runner I would but I can't go with him." I hate to let him down like that. I know he wants this but I have limits. This is way past every single one of them.

"Don't go for him. think of this as a vacation he's just a tour guide." I laugh at the comparison. I can't imagine the Doctor would like it though, "You can keep me out of trouble and stop him if he goes too far. Think about it, he needs someone to keep him in line."


"Who better for that job than you. A stickler for the rules."

I laugh again and it feels good. "Okay. I'll go."

He jumps up in the air and shouts in victory. He then pulls me into the TARDIS. It is an amazing machine. Part of me hopes he will let me fly it. Both Clara and the Doctor are beaming at me. Runner launches into a speech about something on the control panel. I smile and nod. The Doctor stands next to me and grins.

"I guess he had that realization sooner then I thought." He winks and that cocky grin gets even bigger. Somehow it doesn't bother me quite as much.

I smile, "I guess so."

So this is the end of this story. I planned more for it but feel like I write the Doctor totally wrong and that bugs me so this is the end. Thanks for reading.

Children of Galifrey: A Doctor Who FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now