Chapter 1

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Aaaaand, I'm back for more IYWMD (If You Were My Dad) Time for the actual chapter one, the previous upload being the prologue. Now we may get a look at some of the young girl's life with L and how she copes with being taken away from her home. I'm thinking this part of the story will take place sometime during the LABB case and I'll do some chapters later about the Kira case as well. For the moment however we will be focusing on her getting used to living with L. Not sure if Watari will play a big part in her growing up yet. Comment your opinion please!

Yours crazily,



After what the girl had been through, L had expected her to at least sleep for a couple of hours, however, as he set her down on his bed in the spacious room, she stirred and mumbled something before her eyes snapped open. They darted around, taking in the room before landing on L, who had retreated to the doorway and was watching the girl intently.

"Where... where am I?" Came the timid voice. She was scared, L observed. She doesn't know who I am, which may be a good thing. But the real question is, does she remember what happened after she jumped? At least a six percent chance she does, but-

"Why am I here? Did you bring me here? What time is it?"

L sighed. So she was one of those kids. He'd dealt with many of them (Mello, namely) and he knew how their brains worked. Asking questions until someone told them to shut it, or someone answered them.

"Where's my brother?"

L started. Brother? He closed his eyes, recalling the moment when he'd looked up at the balcony. Blue dress, anger, fear, grabbing hands, hands covered in... something... Blood? The room behind the woman, hard to see because of his angle, blonde hair, falling, falling...

L slowly opened his eyes still staring at nothing. He hadn't seen anything suggesting a sibling but he supposed it was possible. A small sniffle brought him out of his trance. He focused his gaze on the girl and realized she was quietly crying, tears running down her flushed cheeks. The sight brought a small pang to his chest, and he stepped closer to the bed.

"NO! Don't come any closer! Stay away from me!" She was sobbing now, pulling herself into a tight ball on the pillows at the headboard of the bed. Shoulders shaking, she scooted as far away from L as the pillows would allow.

"Please don't... I don't want to hurt anymore..." His eyes widened. She thinks... I want to hurt her? Or maybe not me specifically. Maybe it's just the fact that I am not her close relative? What kind of past has this girl had, that she thinks every man or woman would want to beat her, or is it just one gender that she is afraid of...? Contemplating this new issue, L absentmindedly chewed on his thumb, and thus, didn't notice when she slowly unwound herself, and sat up. Looking at him, studying him while he thought, she eventually came to the conclusion that he didn't want to hurt her. She wasn't some normal eight year old. She knew things, and was smarter than most. Her ability to read people was beyond that of many. But besides that, she also had a past that proved to her that men were safe. It was the woman and older girls that were a danger to her. How could she have come to a different conclusion, when, for her entire life, the evidence proved it again and again. Tears still running down her cheeks, with the occasional hiccup, the girl quietly padded over to the detective and slowly, reached up to grab his hand.

L was startled out of his reverie when he felt a small hand grasp his much bigger one. He looked down to the girl who was hiding her face with her hair, staring at the floor.

"I know you won't hurt me. I'm not dumb you know. Plus... I'm scared and you seem nice."

Nice huh? Well, she's right, but I never said she was dumb. In fact, I haven't said anything to her.

"You aren't dumb. I never said that. However, you are scared and I will never hurt you."

She finally looked at him, and at that moment, L realized just how much this girl now trusted him. Her blue eyes seemed to say, I trust you, and I'm fragile, so if you let me down, I'll never get back up. I may not have known you very long, but you are the only thing I can trust. Don't let me down. 

"What's your name?" The girl asked. L cocked his head to the side, then, squeezing her hand slightly tighter, he knelt down to her eye level.

"You can call me Ryuzaki." The girl giggled.

"My name is Elizabeth" Then, taking on a melancholy expression, she quietly said, "Thank you. For taking me away from... her."

L smiled slightly. Elizabeth looked as if she wanted to do something, then apparently coming to a conclusion, let go of L's hand and wrapped her small arms around his neck. L knelt there, in shock. Such physical contact was not normal for someone like him. He didn't get any affectionate touches from anyone. Ever. So this young girl took him very much by surprise. But she needed him. So slowly, he wrapped his arms around her tiny frame and held her close.

"You are welcome, Elizabeth."

At that moment, Watari slowly creaked open the door. Seeing the two figures in the dimly lit room, he smiled. He silently made a promise to himself. L needed this child as much as she needed him, and Watari would do anything to make sure that they weren't separated.

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