Chapter 2

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Guys I did it!! I updated!! This'll be a one-shot about Lizzy meeting two Wammy boys. Not long, under 1K, but I'm trying, dammit. Apology and further extras at the end of the chapter. Later.


Two figures could be seen through the fog, walking side by side. And if you really squinted, you would get a glimpse of the building looming over them. Clouds of mist rose from the silhouettes mouths as they breathed, and the gate in front of the building slowly came into view.

"Do... do I have to?" The smaller of them paused their progress towards the building, and looked up at her companion with big blue eyes.

Glancing down, the taller one- although his height could be easily underestimated because of his prominent slouch- answered.

"It is necessary. So yes, you have to."

Continuing on their way, the figures reached the gate and entered as the rusted hinges slowly ground open the doors.

Stalking past the gateway, the duo looked around, and saw a rather pleasant sight. Children playing despite the frosty, winter weather in the fields with a soccer ball. Watching, one would also observe certain prominent players, specifically, an approximately 15 year old blonde who seemed to take a lot if his anger out on the poor ball. His shots on goal were nothing short if rockets towards the goalie, and dodging seemed to be the unfortunate goal keepers main thought process. His icy blue eyes seemed to pierce the players around him as the ball was passed back and forth.

After a play was finished, and substitutes were put into the game, the blonde stalked off the field, breathing heavily. However, instead of heading towards the makeshift team's bench he instead stomped towards a lone redheaded child sitting under an oak tree. Slumping into the seat, the blonde immediately started a conversation with the gamer, who was currently absorbed in his handheld video game however, still able to hold replies with his frustrated friend.

Beside them, there was also many flowers- although coming towards the end of their lifespan- planted along the walkway, and the windows of the building that it lead to were decorated with merry bells and red and green streamers, holly branches, ornaments, and the like.

There was a certain joy in the air, only noticed and embraced during this time of year.

Returning our attention to the pair making their way towards the front doors of the happy building. They approached the steps and climbed them together, glancing around and taking in the sights around them. The taller of them, curiously, had already observed all of the children outside for enough time to know quite a bit about them. May it be their dislikes, friendships, hobbies, he had a guess- and a pretty good one at that- of what they were.

Because this man was the greatest detective in the world.

This man was L.


Regardless of his namesake and profession, the one known as L, hadn't much more maturity (or so he sometimes acted) than the two young boys on the bench, previously described. He ate nothing but sweets, unless forced, although that was rarely an issue, and he had the attitude of someone who knew he was smarter than you, but wasn't about to rub it in your face. Overall, he was kind, past the self-made walls of his mind, and he cared for the children residing in the orphanage he and his younger companion were visiting. He was well loved in return, by all of the orphans.

As he approached the office of the man currently running the facility (by the name of Roger), calls of L's name and pounding feet could be heard up and down the halls, and on all floors of the building. Before long, the culprits of such a racket were identified, as they each came up to L and laughed and hugged him, and he returned the gestures equally. What none of the ecstatic children saw was the detective's companion, who had hidden herself in a dark corner of the hallway further down, and despite her waist-length bright, blonde hair, was difficult to spot. However, as soon as the young ones had dissipated for a well deserved dinner, L padded over to the cowering child and set a hand on her head. Her shivering stopped and she looked up at him for a while before swallowing, and straightening up, feigning confidence.

To keep up her act, she went so far as to attempt to lead the rest of the way to Roger's office, however, many wrong turns and confusing round-abouts caused her to be thoroughly lost, and with a light smile, L went ahead again. She followed, clinging onto the small hope of a new home.

"L, who's that?" The blonde boy from before stalked over to the pair, closely followed by his red headed friend. "A new kid?"

L smiled slightly before pushing the small child in front of him. "Mello, Matt, this is Elizabeth.


And that's it. For this chapter anyway. I just need to apologize profusely to everyone reading this, I'm so sorry for not updating regularly or frequently. I thank you all for giving my story a chance, and reading it (even if it's painfully short) but I'm not done yet!! I want to expand on the Kira case with Elizabeth in the mix, and see how she relates with all the Wammy boys. I'm currently working on a Noblesse fic and it's coming along nicely! I just haven't updated anything in forever... Sorry. :D

A special thank you to Lawliet_Ell, Lill_Panda, Sarcastic_MOFO, cookiem91028162, candiblue, and Izzytiger (My sister from another mister...and country) for giving me that extra oomph I needed to continue this!

Stay crazy,







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