C H A P T E R - I

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"Aino, I get it that you're obsessed by these Korean men but isn't your obsession too much?! It's like 3 am in the morning and you're playing a very loud music at this time! What would the neighbors say?!" Kim Ryuu shouted at Park Aino despite Aino not opening the door. It's still 3 am in the morning and Aino is playing loud KPop songs through the speakers. Ryuu is just worried what the neighbors might complain.

"I don't care.. Leave me alone.. " Aino replied from inside her bedroom.

"Hey. I know you're heartbroken and stuff but I'm here you know!! I'll listen!! Don't treat me as a ghost!!"

"... Maybe later.. " Aino is still depressed of what happen two days ago. She refused to eat the foods her roommate slash bestfriend gave her. She's not attending class either.

"Aino, I swear, if you still don't open the door by the count of 5, I'm sooooo gonna break this door you got me?!"

"... " Ryuu got no reply from her.

" 1.."

"..." Still none.

"2, 3, 4..."


"and 5. I'm gonna wre--- WHA" As Ryuu was about to wreck the door, Aino crawl to the door, still wrapped in her Hello Kitty blanket, to unlock it, leading Ryuu to fell down, head first.

"Ouch!! Hey wa--- Aino..? " Ryuu was shocked as she saw Aino's eyes. Her eyes is sore and so red. She assumed that her bestfriend might have cried a lot.

She move a bit closer to her bestfriend and hug her tightly while rubbing her hands on her back to comfort her.

"He's a jerk.. A bastard.." Aino mumbled softly as she continue crying. It pains Ryuu seeing her like this. "What really happen Ai? Please tell me.."  Ryuu begged.

Aino cried her heart out before telling the whole story of what happened two days ago.

<< Flashback. Two days ago. Aino's POV >>

Today is the day I've been waiting for! Our fourth anniversary with Ace. I've cooked our favorite foods, clean and decorate the room, even buying him a gift. I've prepared everything. But Ace hasn't arrived yet
Ace being late is already normal to me. But he's usually just 5 mins late. Today, he's already 20 minutes late. What's up with him?

I put on my hoodie and wore a mask and a cap. I got a duplicate key to his apartment so entering inside would be no problem. Since it's a Sunday, no one will probably question me where am I going. I went inside the bathroom to check if my outfit is good to go when suddenly the mirror on the wall cracked. I'm surprised and shock to see it crack. I suddenly got a bad feeling of going to Ace's house but nevertheless I made up my mind to check what's going on with Ace. Ryuu is going home tomorrow so I own the dorm tonight.

I arrived less than an hour. When I stood in front of his door, half of me is saying that I shouldn't go inside while the other half of me is telling me to check what's inside.

I put in the key and twist the door knob slowly. "Am I really gonna do this?" I mumbled softly and close my eyes, taking a deep breath. I, then pushed the door open to see clothes scattered on the floor. I'm completely okay if it's a guy's clothes that's scattered on the floor but no. It's a women's clothes. How the hell did he get his hands on these clothes?

My line of sight then goes to the slightly open bedroom door. I can hear soft voices. "What if she suddenly come in?"  "Ssh. She's probably busy. Nobody will disturb us." I walked closer to the door and peeked what's inside. What's inside shocked me. I see Ace, on the bed, with another girl. With only blanket covering their bare body. But the girl with Ace is no ordinary girl. She's Nana. My ex bestfriend.

I feel warm tears are falling down from my eyes, I walked backwards then accidentally knocked a vase causing the vase to crack. My line of vision suddenly goes to the broken vase on the floor, I didn't notice that Ace is already behind me. "Who are you?!"  he asked, furious, then hold a tight grip on my shoulders and he's attempting to remove my cap and mask.

I try to dodge his hands that was about to take of my cap and mask but it's too late. "A-A- Aino...?"

Behind Ace, I could see Nana wearing her usual sly smirk. I shoot Ace a sad glare before removing his hands that's on my shoulders and leave his apartment dropping the duplicate key he gave me. I just go back to get my cap then dash off. "Aino wait!!"

I ran as fast as I can to the dorm. I know the dorm is very far if you didn't take any vehicle but I don't care. Right now, that doesn't matter to me. All that matter is, getting away from Ace.

I arrived in the dorm after one hour and a half running. I was about to enter the room when a hand stopped me then pulled me into a hug. I don't need to look up to know who is it. I try to push Ace away but he won't budge. Damn it, he's strong. I kick his *toooooot* and in less than a second, he release me from his hug.

"Don't touch me! You're freaking dirty! "

I go inside my dorm and was about to shut the door when Ace stop the door with his foot.

"Aino, I fucking swear that she and I doesn't have any relationship at all! Aino please listen to me!"

"Then what the hell are you two?! Fuck buddies?! I don't care! I'm too tired to listen to your bullshits! Leave! Leave now! Leave me alone!" I screamed and pushed Ace outside of my dormitory room. I pushed him so hard that he fell to the ground, butt first. "Don't ever come near me again! Don't you even think of showing up again!" I shouted at him for the last time of the day before slamming the door in his face.

It's the second time I cried this hard. The first time was when Ash cheated on me for his ex. This time, I caught Ace in bed, naked, with another girl. And worst, the girl is not some any ordinary girl. She was my ex bestfriend.

I walked back to my bedroom and cover my face with a pillow. I'm so tired being cheated on. I'm so tired of everything.

I know it's already 21:30 and I'm here inside my room, crying non stop. I cried 'till around 23:11 then stopped when I saw a message from a random stranger.

[Hey, Miss! I need you to answer this question. I'm a classmate of yours btw. Joshua is the name.]

[Okay. What's the question?]

[1. What is the first name of the guy on fresh prince of bell air?
2. What is the letter after T?
3. What is the opposite of stop?
4. Three strikes and you're?
5. To find the area of a rectangle use length times?
6. Do Re __ Fa Sol La Ti Do]


[Of course I will! :)]


[Hahahaha, Joshua is the name. Hi Miss! I'm your 11:11!]

[But it's 23:11]

[Your 23:11 then. ;)]

For the very first time on that day, I laughed.

Goodnight readers! Mwa ~ Don't forget to vote and comment!! I love you guys ~

-Strawberryashe 🍧

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