Chapter 11: Protect the Coven

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"Thank you for helping me, Melanie," Cordelia told the younger witch while they worked together to sweep up and dispose of the shards of broken glass and pottery that littered the greenhouse floor.

"No problem. Everyone deserves at least one good meltdown," Melanie replied with a small shrug. "Feel any better now?"

"A little," Cordelia replied with a small smile, though she also felt a bit guilty for all the damage she had done to school property. "Myrtle said I should bottle and sell my coriander salad dressing..."

Melanie looked up at her from her position on the floor holding the dustpan and raised an eyebrow before looking down again with a slight smile on her face. "Well, she's not wrong about that. I bet you could make a fortune."

The corners of Cordelia's mouth twitched a little. "She also said I would make a good cruise ship hostess."

"What?" Melanie asked with a small laugh, stopping to look up at her. "Was she being serious? I mean, you could definitely pull it off, but it's pretty obvious we still need you here." Cordelia looked at her and set the broom down, leaning it against the table, and squatted down to draw Melanie into a hug as her eyes began to water with tears. "We still need you here." Hearing those words had helped her far more than Melanie knew. Cordelia smiled and stroked the hair of the girl she had come to think of as a daughter while a lone tear of happiness and relief rolled down her cheek. Melanie never said anything she didn't mean. Fiona was wrong. She had been wrong. She did still have a place where she belonged. And it was right here.

Melanie blinked, a little surprised by the sudden embrace, but she could tell Cordelia needed it, so she returned the hug and let her take her time recovering. "Feeling better?" she asked when Cordelia smiled and withdrew to hold her hands.

"Much," Cordelia said, sniffing a little while she whipped her cheek. "So, you and Kyle... how long has that been going on?" she asked a little teasingly. She had been rather surprised when she heard from her mother that Melanie had been the one harboring him.

Melanie looked away and fidgeted a little nervously. "I'm sorry. I was going to tell you after we took care of Fiona, but then she found him first..."

Cordelia smiled and laughed. "It's all right. I understand. I was your age once, too. Just remember to be careful... and be 'safe,'" she added a with tiny hint of mischief and a knowing look in her eyes.

"We are!" Melanie exclaimed a little defensively as her cheeks blushed bright red. She had already been on the pill for her period, and Madison had left a stash of condoms in her room, so they were totally covered. But it felt embarrassing discussing this with the woman she thought of as a mother. Cordelia's grin widened. Melanie was so cute when she was in love.

Myrtle closed her eyes as she raised her teacup and inhaled the fragrant aroma of the hot beverage inside. Kyle clutched the tray in his hands a little nervously while she took her first sip. Myrtle savored the flavor for a moment before looking up at the boy to give him an encouraging smile. "Oh! Well done, dear. I do believe you're improving. See, all it takes is practice, practice, practice! Why, I'm sure you'll have the difference between a canapé and an amuse-bouche down in no time at all."

"Still on tea?" Madison asked, making them look up as she swanned back into the sitting room and stretched out on the sofa. "Don't you think it's time you moved on to something stronger?" she asked Myrtle, sounding incredibly bored. She must be, since Kyle was busy with his training, and Cordelia had asked Melanie to help her clean up the mess she made in the greenhouse the previous evening. There was no way Madison was helping with that if she didn't have to.

"Something smells good," Zoe said, also wandering into the room to join them. She had followed her nose out of Nan's room when she caught the scent of something delicious wafting up the stairs.

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