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(You find out about the supernatural)

"Y/N be careful ok I'm just going to run upstairs and get my purse so we can go out clubbing" She told you kissing your cheek and running upstairs not once falling even in her skyscraper heels.

You had always admired your girlfriend for her class and undeniable ladylike grace- but you also liked her fun and dangerous side. Let's face it you loved everything about Rebekah Mikaelson.  

Someone coughs from behind you and you jump suprised, to see a man with brown hair and brown eyes, a man in a suit and someone that has an uncanny resemblance to rebekah.

"What are you doing in this house?" The one in the suit asks and you smile nervously. "I'm just uh.. Waiting for rebekah to get her stuff" you say nervously twirling a strand of hair in your finger.

"Lies" the one with the resemblance to rebekah said and lifted you up by your neck. He had golden eyes and you were terrified and curious at the same time, mostly terrified. Just then rebekah came down the stairs in a blink of your eye and you had no idea how she got down that fast.

"Let her down now klaus you wanker!" She screams looking scared for you as tears well up on her eyes. He drops you and you land in Rebekah's arms. "Bekah" you choke out and cling to your girlfriend.

"Touch my girlfriend again and the next thing to come out of your mouth will be your teeth" she snarled and out you down on the couch.

"You ok love?" She asks you stroking your hair as the men from earlier trail behind. "What just happened bekky?" You struggle to say and you watch her close her eyes looking guilty.

"I was going to tell you tonight but my brother it seems beat me to it Y/N" she tells you looking in your Y/E/C eyes sadly. "You know you can tell me anything Rebekah, won't make me love you any less" you smile at her squeezing her hand in comfort.

"I'm a vampire that can't be killed and I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to look at me like I was a monster" she said sadly. "It's ok bekky I'll never look at you like a monster as long as you promise that you'll keep your phsyco brother off me" I laugh nervously seeing her brother growl.

"Love you Y/N" she whispers. "Love you too bekah" you reply kissing her cheek.

Vampire Diaries Imagines and Preferences #2 Where stories live. Discover now