Chapter 15: When Will It End?

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Hey everyone. It's been about a week since I last updated. I would have more this weekend but if you follow me on twitter, you will know why. I am not going to try an explain it again, I posted a twitlonger on twitter that explains it all so go read that if you would like to know. I hope that you enjoy this chapter. Remember to vote! (I am so close to 40,000 votes again!). Love you all!

Kik, Twitter, and Instagram: 1DLemonLime1






~Emily's P.O.V.~

I slammed the door shut to Niall's flat as I entered. Bella and Niall were here, and I felt like I really just needed to vent to someone. "Hello!?" I called through the flat.

"In here!" I heard Bella call. I walked down the hallway and entered the room where Niall and Bella were at. They were sit beside each other on the black leather couch, Niall's arm wrapped around Bella. "Hi" Bella smiled as I entered the room. I sat on the couch just opposite of the one that they were sitting on. Niall paused whatever was playing on the TV.

"Am I interrupting or something?" I asked.

"No, we were just hanging out" Niall said. "Is some like girl thing I should leave for?" Niall asked.

I shook my head. "No, I need your help to....... Something happened while I was in L.A." They were both confused. "You see when I wen tout with Blake one night, I guess I had a few to many beers to drink and got a little bit drunk. Anyways, long story short, I may or may not have sex with Blake while I am still in a relationship with Harry. That can't count as cheating right? I mean I didn't know. Should I tell Harry?" I rambled on.

"You can't tell Harry" Niall said. I looked at Niall like he was crazy. I can't lie to him! Niall out of all people would know this. "Harry is the most sensitive out of all of us when it comes to being in a relationship. He really love you Emily. If you tell him, he will be absolutely crushed" Niall said as if he could read my mind. I sighed, and leaned back.

This was all my fault. I just wanted to go back in time. If I had never met Harry, none of this would have happened. I told Bella when she first met Liam that dating a pop star was trouble. Now look at me. I ended up in the hospital because of that. I am about to break Harry's heart as well. He won't ever want to be with me. I don't even think he wanted to be with me when I was in the wheelchair. I mean, he didn't even stay with me in L.A., he just went back to London.

"What are you doing with your hand?" Bella asked. Huh? I looked down at my left hand. I was tapping on the armrest of the couch really fast. How did I not know that I was doing that.

"Uh nothing" I said stopping very quickly. Bella wasn't convinced. I gave her a look to tell her to be quiet. Niall must have noticed it to.

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