Chapter 9: Not The Same

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Oh it has been a few days since I have posted. I have been really busy since it was the first week of school and I had a lot going on. I am having a cover contest for The 31 Days since everyone seemed to love the one for The Lost Girl. It is called The 31 Days (Was going to be called the Lost Key but I had to change it). I am not revealing the plot but the girl is going to be played by Ashley Benson and Louis is going to be the other main character! The person who wins will get a fan, dedication, follow on twitter and instagram, and i will read and vote on any of their stories. Send me your submition to as soon as you can! Also, i'm still going to keep the applications open at since there are still some people telling me they are working on their applications. I hope that you all enjoy this chapter! Thanks so much for reading it!

Kik, Twitter, and Instagram: 1DLemonLime1






~Niall's P.O.V.~

I stared. What was I supposed to do? Bell stood there with Liam. Why was she with Liam? More importantly Liam said he had something urgent to take care of. He lied. "Is this live?" I asked the interviewer. He shook his head.

"Can you excuse us, we are in the middle of an interview" Harry said to them, trying to be polite. Bella took a seat in a chair by the door.

"Liam, why don't you join us" The interviewer suggested. Before he could protest the interviewer was pushing him towards the couch. The only empty seat was next to me. Not wanting to cause a scene, Liam slowly sat down beside me.

"So where have you been Liam?" Asked the interviewer with a grin.

Liam shifted beside me, obviously feeling very uncomfortable. "I was out of town. Just go in about an hour ago"

Daryl nodded. "We are going to play a game here. I will say a description, and you guys will say who is most likely to do that" We all nodded understandingly.

"OK, who is most likely to sleep through their alarm" Immediately everyone pointed to Zayn. Zayn laughed knowing it was true and pointed to himself.

Daryl laughed. "Who tells the most lies?" He asked. Everyone seemed to freeze. With everything that was going on nobody knew how to answer that. 

"Probably Louis since he lies when he plays pranks all the time" Zayn said saving all of us.

"Who is the most likely to mess up on stage?"

"Harry" I said immediately. Everyone nodded in agreement. Harry blushed knowing that it was true. The man behind the camera was waving his had in a circle.

"Well I guess it's time to wrap it up. Thank you so much guys, it's been a pleasure to interview you guys" Daryl said shaking all of our hands. "I am Daryl, and you have been watching Twist Online" He smiled for the camera.

"And cut!" The camera guy said. Everyone began moving around the room. Daryl gathered his papers and was ushered out of the room. Once he left the room everyone began to leave the room.

Paul must have notice that everyone needed to talk since none of us were moving. "Your next interview is in 20 minutes so I will let you guys stay to have a break" He exited the room. It was silent.

"So where have you been Liam?" Zayn asked filling the silence.

Liam moved on the couch beside me. "I was in Los Angeles."

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