In the hospital

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(If you havent checked chapter one before coming back here i did change her name to kiarra it actually was always pronounces that way i just changed the pronunciation)

~Joe's POV~

"Is she okay, is the baby okay. Can someone please tell me what happened to my sister?!" I ask freaking out.

"Hi I am Dr. Ampad. I will am the doctor of Kiarra Anoa'i . Where is the family?"

"Hi we are right here. I am Joe and this is Jon. I am her brother, this is her best friend, and this is my daughter JoJo."

"OK if you would follow I would like to talk to you about something in private?" Dr. Ampad asked. 

"Sure Doc."Jon replies truly concerned for Kiarra. 

~In Docs Office~

"Is Kiarra okay?" I ask.

"OK, Yes she is okay and so are the babies. Which is what i wanted to talk to you about."

"You mean Auntie Kiki is having twins!!!" Joelle screamed excitedly.

"Yes, sweetie she is." He says to JoJo. Then turns to us. "It seems that the egg has split and the stress from that and the stress she could be having in her personal life caused her to collapse, the babies are fine. But I am recommending that she not be left alone for the remaining time of the pregnancy."

"Sure, thanks doc. Can we go see her now?"

"Yes you can but just dont stress her out. Room 413."

~In her room~

"Hey Kiwi (Jons nickname for Kiarra and ONLY Jons), How you feeling baby?" Jon asked. 

"Hey Moxy. (Kiarras nickname for Jon) I'm okay I guess I mean I've been better."

"Yea he told me. Moxy what am I gonna do I cant handle 2 kids by myself! The babies are gonna need a father." She cried.

"Hey KiKi listen to me. Joelle, Jonathon and I are gonna be here for you every step of the way. We will be here for whatever you need you hear me we arent gonna leave you!" I encourarge. 

"Thats right Joe. Kiwi I've known you for 10 years now and I've never left your side what makes you think I will now?" Jon said.

"Yea auntie KiKi I am always gonna be here for you because I'm a big strong girl just like  you." Joelle Said.

"and baby while we are gone and on the road Joelle and Galina will be here with you the whole time to help you out and im going to step out to call her and talk to her about it now. Jojo come one lets go talk to mommy" i say

~Jons POV~

"Hey Kiwi?" i ask

"Yeah Mox?" she replies

"How are you dealing with the whole thing?"

"Which thing?"

"Colby." I say cautiously 

"Well it's hard but now that he's gone I feel like I'll see exactly how strong I really am. Its going to be even harder to get back in the ring but it shouldn't be too hard since I'm still with the shield- shit the shield what am i gonna do about the shield? Mox why is my life so f'd up?

"Baby we will talk to Vince if there is nothing we can do we will deal with it then. But baby girl your not alone and you never will be." I tell her.

Man i love her why can't she tell. Probably because she just got out of a 3 year relationship with my- well i dont know what he is at this point. I have been in love with her for 10 years now. I just wish she has been through so much she doesnt deserve this. She is such a kind hearted soul. She is so beautiful.

"OK, Jon can you get the doc?"

"Yeah baby you okay?"

"I'm fine I just want OUT OF HERE!!!!!" Says with a laugh. 

"I'll be right back then, okay?" I reassure her.


"Joe have you seen Dr.Ampad?"

"I'm right here, what do you need?"

"She wants to talk to you."

"Joe can we talk? Jojo can you go see Auntie?"

"Yea I'll go see auntie KiKi."

"What man?"

"I think it's time I finally told you."

"Tell me what?"

"I am in love with Kiarra. Joe I cant stop thinking about her" I said "Man I was so mad at Colbs for hurting my Kiwi. What do I do? I cant say anything to her right now because she is going through so much right now."

"Well man i honestly dont know what to tell you but please dont tell her until you know the time is right and when you do tell her dont hurt her she cant handle it right now." He says

Man i thought he would be mad i guess i always think to much. 

"Doc says i can go lets go suckers" Kiarra says " cmon jo jo u want up?"

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