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(Eric's Pov)

To say I was pissed would be an understatement. I was fucking livid. To think my parents thought they could control my life and set up a potential marriage for me as if we were still in the 1800's, was beyond absurd.

"Please, Eric? It will only be for an hour or so." My mother, Vanessa, pleaded. I sighed, running a hand through my hair, frustrated.

"But, Ma I still have to finish a powerpoint for tomorrow's meeting." I weakly argued back.

"I know, son...but still...can't you spare an hour?" She sarcastically asked. I smirked at that, shaking my head, only earning a sigh of disappointment from her.

She had to be fucking kidding herself. We were talking about visiting a random family to see their daughter she wanted me to consider marrying... Did she seriously think I would comply without any hesitation? 

"Son, listen to your mother. You're going and that's that." My father, Jeremy, decided to join in. I rolled my eyes at him. Of course he wouldn't hesitate to take my mother's side, hell he was in on this just as much as her, if not, more.

"But why?" I asked despite knowing the response I'd receive.

"Because if you want to take over Miller Inc, then you have to get married, simple as." My father said in his stern voice, daring me to answer back. Due to some stupid clause that one of my great grandfather's wrote in the contract for all future CEO's of Miller's inc, I had no choice but to follow through with his wishes.

Now, it's not to say that my parents had to find a willing woman to marry their son because I had trouble with women myself. That was far from the truth. The only reason my parents decided they needed to get involved in this outdated tradition was because they had a strong distaste towards the women I spent my time with. I once brought a girlfriend of two weeks home after my father told me I would need to be a married man if I wanted to take over the business, and when I announced her and I would be getting married by the end of the month, they sent her home, sat me down and told me they'd find me a real wife.

A deep sigh fell from my mouth and I glanced at my mother.

"Fine, but I'm only doing this for Ma." I mumbled, stomping up my stairs and heading into my room, only to see my younger brother, Jaxon, spread out on my bed. I groaned, shoving him off, his body hitting against the carpeted ground, a loud 'thump' occurring.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room?" I spat, fixing up my sheets. He stood up, glaring at me, earning a smirk from myself. 


"I was just taking a nap. Jesus." He muttered, fixing up his formal attire, which happened to be a black suit almost identical to what Jeremy was wearing. I guess black was the dress code for tonight.

"Yeah, well, couldn't you take any other room?" I muttered whilst looking through my large closet for a suit. I came across my black Armani suit. I picked it out, a white dress shirt and a black tie to go along with it.

"So, you finally agreed to go?" He asked, leaning against the wall, his eyes following my every movement. I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Yes, as you can clearly see. Now can you get the fuck out of my room?" I snapped, already stripping from my plain white t-shirt, which I was wearing around my house before my parents decided to drop over for a surprised visit. 

A phone call of notice would be nice.

"Okay, okay... but seriously, you need to get laid." He slyly added in, quickly disappearing before I could get a good hit.

ARRANGED (Book 1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now