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Song For Chapter: Only You By Selena Gomez

"All I needed was the love you gave. All I needed for another day. And all I ever knew - only you."

(Lea's Pov)

When I got home from the police station, I crawled into bed to cry. I sobbed the entire night, crying about my life for what seemed like forever.

Yesterday, I had officially lost my parents.

Now it was Saturday; a new day and a healthy opportunity to start off new. A tearless day. Because, yesterday - I finally let them go. I would never think of them again. They were just a resentful memory. But meant nothing to me.

I also never saw or heard from Eric. It was the weekend, meaning it was his day off, but I didn't see him around the house. I grew concerned at where he might be, but realized it didn't matter. 

He needed to live his life.

I snapped out of my thoughts, hearing the microwave go off. I was having an odd need to have some hot-chocolate. Fortunately, Eric had some powder stocked up.

I pulled out the warm glass of milk, before mixing in in with the chocolate powder mix. Normally, I would have taken the time to warm everything up properly, but I was oddly tired. I mixed the milk in, making sure the powder dissolved into it.

I brought the mug up to my lips for a taste.


I smiled, taking a seat on the counter. So far today, I hadn't thrown up. The twins had thankfully let me eat a normal breakfast without fighting it off. It was like they knew their mommy wasn't doing well.

I absentmindedly reached out to touch my stomach. It was still flat, but I knew it was only a matter of time before it began to grow. A frown suddenly grew onto my lips and the lingering reminder flashed across my mind.

I needed to tell Eric.

Sooner or later I'd start showing and he would question me himself. Plus, he was going to be the father to my children - he had his right to know. 

The sound of the front-door opening, caught my attention. I swallowed nervously, gulping down another shot of hot chocolate. 

I had to tell him now.

His footsteps approached me and the more nervous I grew. I froze when he stepped inside. Feelings his eyes on me, I daringly peaked a glance at him.

He was dressed sharply in his black suit, his hair gelled back stylishly. There was a few signs of fresh stubble growing on his chin. I tried not to react at the sight of his familiar face, so close to me.

I missed him and wanted him back.

"Eric...I have something to tell you." I started, my voice small. I paused, thinking to myself how I would word it.

Should I just come out and say it? 

Or would that be too straightforward? 

Maybe I could hint it?

I snapped out of my thoughts when seeing him slide a black folder from behind his back and towards me. His eyes were emotionless as he took out a pen from his pocket.

"You wanted a divorce, Lea? Well, here you go." His cold voice said. My eyes widened and I looked down at the folder. He glanced at me one last time, before putting down the pen and walking out.

I froze, staring down at the folder. My shaking hands picked it up, eyeing it. I slowly opened it and was met with the bold writing.

Divorce papers.

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