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(Lea's Pov)

The next morning, I woke up with a smile on my face. Last night's conversation with Eric was still clear in my mind. It gave me a small ray of hope, that maybe, just maybe - everything would be fine. But for the time being, who knows?

It was currently eight am on a Sunday morning. I was chewing on my slice of toast, when Eric came in. I had to refrain myself from letting my jaw drop open. I was used to seeing him in suits, dress pants, button ups. But today he was wearing a tight V-neck, and sweats. 

His tattooed arms were exposed to my eyes and I let them travel over his body. Ink filled his arms; different patterns, designs, permanently stained on his skin. His bed hair was messy and slicked back, but he still managed to look undeniably good.

"Morning," His voice was raspy. I blinked repeatedly, shaking off my thoughts and swallowing the bite of toast resting on my tongue.

"Morning." I replied quietly, diverting my eyes to the empty plate in-front of me. I munched on another bite of toast, listening to Eric fetch himself a cup of coffee, before he came to sit across from me.

I slowly chewed on the bite and daringly looked up at him. His brows were knitted together in concentration, making him look more adorable than ever. His eyes were glued to the screen of his tablet, and once again, I found myself staring at his arms. 

Now that he was closer, I had a better view of the ink. A tiger, the word 'Believe', a joker face, starfish, wings, an owl, 'X' - all plastered to his skin. I was intrigued about them. But the one that had my mind running with confusion, was an angel near his wrist. I continued to stare it, my brows furrowing.

"Would you mind staring? It's kind of distracting." Hearing his raspy voice, I snapped out my stare and shook my head.

"Sorry." I muttered, embarrassed whilst eating the last of my toast. I could feel his eyes on me as I did. I looked up, arching a brow at him.

"Just say it." He sighed. I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it. I was confused.

"I'm sorry, but what?" 

"I know you want to ask me something. Just ask." He mumbled, taking a sip from his cup of coffee. 

Jesus, how did he know?

"I-I just wanted to ask about your tattoo..." I trailed off.

"Oh, you like them?" 

I nodded.

"Is that all?" 

"I just wanted to know...who's that angel?" I frowned slightly in confusion, pointing to his wrist. I watched as he tensed, his jaw suddenly clenching.

Oh no. Maybe I should've just kept my mouth shut.

"It's my sister...she past away five years ago." He mumbled quietly after a few seconds of tense silent. My heart wrenched with sympathy and I suddenly felt sorry for Eric. Although I hadn't lost anyone important in my life, I could only imagine how it would feel.

"W-What happened?" My voice was shaky. Once again, silence took over the air, making me nervously fidget with my night robe. I tore my eyes away from him, watching as unreadable emotion took over his face.

"She, died of cancer." He whispered, biting down on his bottom lip. Again, my heart felt sympathy towards Eric.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I-I should have never asked." I blurted. He shook his hand, running a hand up and down his arm, a ghost smile appearing on his lips.

"It's fine, Lea, you never knew." He muttered, glancing at me briefly. 

"I know...just s-sorry." I ended the conversation, picking up my plate and going to wash it. I put it on the side to dry and turned around to lean against the counter, a sigh leaving my lips. I closed my eyes for a second, thinking about what I'd do for the day.

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