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(Lea's Pov)

My hands nervously played with another as they sat in my lap. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as the minutes ticked by. I gulped, hearing the sound of heavy footsteps fill my ears.

I nervously bit down on my bottom lip, feeling my pulse increase. My eyes quickly skimmed over the rose petals laid out on the white sheets. I smoothed out the lace, night, gown my mother had shoved me into, making sure everything was perfect.

Oh God, I wonder what his reaction will be.

"He'll love it, Bambina. Trust me." My mother had said to me. I had looked at my sister for any reassurance, however I received no reaction. Not that I expected one.

I was brought out of my thoughts, when hearing the sound of the door twisting open. My eyes closed and I tried my hardest to keep my breathing at a steady pace.


It was complete silence. I swallowed the lump in my throat and let my hands play with the end of my night dress. His expensive shoes heels, echoed across the wooden floor as he slowly approached me.

I remained completely silent, too afraid to even make a move or speak. Building up the courage, I hesitantly opened my eyes and daringly looked into his hazel ones, which seemed to be studying me.

A loud, deep, sigh left his lips and and he slowly inched closer to me. He paused with his footsteps when he was a few steps away from me. I hung my head down, biting down on my bottom lip nervously.

"What are you doing here?" His deep voice entered my ears. He didn't sound happy at all, judging by the annoyed tone in his voice. In-fact, he sounded rather mad.

"I...m-my -" I stuttered, not knowing what to say to him.

"Lea, look at me." He demanded. I did as I was told, not even being hesitant toward his command. After all, it was what I was taught. His powerful hazel eyes bored into my blue ones.

"I'm gonna make myself clear when I say this. Lea, I will never love you and I will never be the spouse you want me to be. I only fucking married you to keep my mother happy. So, this thing that you're doing - please never do it again. This is my room, there's plenty of guestrooms in this house, which you can take. I'm gonna let you stay the night, since you already seem occupied, so I'll be staying in the guestroom."

"Oh and make sure to clean that shit up by tomorrow." He gestured towards the various rose petals laying across his bed.

With that being said, he closed the door behind him, leaving me wordless, embarrassed, ashamed, and dare I say it...hurt.

The tears which had managed to build in my eyes, streamed out and landed on the white, fabric sheets as I sunk my head down on the pillow.

For the very first time, I cried myself to sleep.


My eyes slowly twitched open. I could feel the dry stains of my tears, resting on my cheeks. I sighed, laying flatly on my back as I stared up at the white ceiling. I was embarrassed, shamelessly embarrassed at what had happened.

I had made a fool of myself. I should've changed out of this attire the very second my mother left the house and cleaned up the romantic mess of rose petals. He probably thought I was stupid. I felt my cheeks burn red, just thinking about it.

Sighing, I got up from his large bed and let out a yawn as I stretched. My eyes darted to the alarm clock resting on his dresser; 5:30 AM. I was tempted to roll back into bed and sleep forever, so I wouldn't have to face him anytime soon.

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