Ch.1 Nightmare

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I walk into a room full of Divergent's. But I see the one Divergent that is helping them all. Four. He has a gun up to...Eric. I then get held by other Divergent's. We tried to kill them all. "Kenya" Eric breathed out, "Eric" I say with tears streaming down my face. "It's the best for them to do this" he said. "No you can't let them" I say crying, "I can't decide they are doing no matter what" he said. "Just let him go" I yelled at Four. "Kenya listen, once all this shit is over with and everything is back to normal, I want you to be the leader of Dauntless, okay" Eric said, "okay" I said nodding. He smiled and said "I love you", "I love you too" I said then the guards let me go and I tackled Eric in a hug. "It's gonna be time for me to leave" he whispered. I hugged him tighter and said "I will always love you no matter what, you are my number one". "I love you too" he said and we kissed our last time. Then the guards held me back. Four held the gun up to his head. Eric looked at me one lest time and smiled, then. "BANG" and his blue eyes closed,

"AHHHHHHH" I screamed waking up. I started shaking, "Eric, I'll be with you one day" I whispered, "and it might be soon" I said getting out of bed. I walked to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. My face was stained with tears and my hair was everywhere. I sighed and opened the cabinet. And a pistol laid there. I slammed the cabinet door shut and screamed, "UGH" I yell pounding on the door. Eric would be very disappointed if I killed myself. But I need him.

After a hour of laying there I get ready. I change into, a black tee shirt, black jeans, combat boots and Eric's jacket. I do my hair and make-up then brush me teeth.

I walk down to the mess hall and sit down. Then Misha sat next to me, he put his arm around me. "I'm sorry, I probably woke you up" I said, "it's fine, I really don't care" he said. "Well let's go train initiates" I said getting up. "Yeah let's go" he said and threw me over his shoulder, this guy has been my best friend since we were 4.

Once we got on the training room he sat me down. We waited till it was time to start. "Okay everyone listen up" I said, "today we are going to start out with ten laps around the training room". They groaned and I heard a person say, "normally it's 4 laps why ten, is she mad or something". "Good question, Thomas, you want an answer" I said, "sure I'd like to know about your personal life" he said rolling his eyes. I growled and Misha held my shoulder and gave me a looked 'to not blow up'. I pushed away his hand and walked to Thomas. "You don't know what happened to my life, it's been shit okay, so I suggest shut up and mine your own business, run twenty laps, NOW" I said and he started running. "Everyone else if you don't want to run with him I suggest you keep your mouthed shut and run your ten laps, GO". They ran off. "Hey calm down" Misha said, "I'm done with life" I said walking out, I heard him sigh. I ran to the Chasm. I sat down and started crying.

I just sat there and thought then I climbed down and hung there. And waited till my hands slip. And they slipped. But I felt something grab my wrist. "What the hell are you thinking" Misha said pulling me up in a hug, "I'm done with life" I said crying, "I was almost done with life, why'd you do that" I said and ran off.

I got in my house and laid on my bed. And cried, and cried. Then I heard a voice. I jumped and took the knife out of my pocket. Then I about fainted, it was.......Eric in the corner of my room. "Eric" I breathed out, "I don't have long Kenya" he said. "I miss you" I said crying, "I miss you too and what I came here was for you to never give up" he said. "But I can't live without you, it's hard and I can't do it anymore" I said, "I believe in you, you can do it, you know I'm always in your heart" he said smiling. "I'll try but I'll probably fail" I said. "You can do it my love, your brave, a true Dauntless never gives up without a fight" he said smiling. I smiled and more tears streamed down my face. "Before I have to leave I have one more request, if you meet a guy I wouldn't mind if you were with him, I want you happy" he said, "sure" I said, "positive" he said smiling. I smiled and said "I won't ever forget you and you are my number one". He smiled and said "you are my world", I smiled and he said "it's time for me to go, I love you" he said, "I love you too" I said and he smiled one last time and left. I then fell to the floor crying. I then crawled in bed and fell asleep.

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