Ch.3 Party Time

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This is her outfit. She already has the tattoo, but I wanted to show y'all. Thanks for reading my story!!! You guys are amazing.

I then check the time and see its 9:35pm so I head down to the Pit.

I get to the Pit and then find Dylan and another guy with him. "Hey" I said walking to him. "Woah, I mean, umm, hey" he said looking at me up and down. I smiled and his friend then said "hey I'm Uriah, and who are you hottie", I blushed and said "I'm Kenya". "Well Kenya let's get to that party" he said holding his arm so we could link arms. I linked my arm with his and Dylan did the same with my other arm. Then we headed to the house party.

We get to the door and loud music plays. We open the door and music blast out of the room. We walk in and lights flashing everywhere, drinks are everywhere, and people dancing. Forgot to mention but Dylan looked super hot. He had black skinny jeans on, combat boots, and a blood red collared shirt with some buttons in buttoned. And Uriah had the same but a purple collared shirt and had some buttons undone. They both looked really hot. Some guys was staring then Uriah yelled "eyes above the waist". I snickered and some guys rolled their eyes and went back dancing. We sat at the bar and ordered drinks. I got this one Raspberry drink, and it was strong. "Hey I'll be back" Uriah said walking with a girl, I smiled and then looked at Dylan but him and a girl was kissing. "Hmm" I mumbled and got up and walked around. "Hey sweetheart wanna go to my place" a guy said, "umm sorry I have a husband" I said, "wait where is he then" he said. "That's non of your business" I said and walked away. "Ugh, guys" I said getting another drink. It's hard to say that my husband is dead. I then get a stronger drink.

After a while of dancing I'm half drunk. Then a bright green eye guy stands I front of me checking me out. I smirk and put my hands around his neck. He then puts his on my waist. We dance with the music.

Next thing I know is that I'm against a wall kissing him. It's a rough kiss too. I moan and I feel his smirk. He bites my bottom lip for entrance. I open my mouth and his tongue slides in. I moan even more and he kisses harder. Then we take a break to breath. We look into each other's eyes and smile. "So wanna take this somewhere else" he said, I bit my lip and smirked. He then wrapped my legs around his waits and carried me to a room. He then shut the door and locked it.

Then I don't remember after that.

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