Ch.2 Day Off

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This is Misha Collins, if y'all don't know who he is, you should check him out. He's plays on Supernatural as Cas.

I change into black leggings, black crop top, and black Vans. I put my neon yellow and hot pink hair into a messy bun. I do my make-up and brush my teeth then go to the Pit. Since today is a day off for everyone I'm gonna get wasted. It's only 1:00pm but toward the night I'm gonna be wasted.

I get in the Pit and find a bar. Lights are flashing, musicians loud and the smell of beer fills my nose. I sit on a stool at the bar and then the guy comes to me and said "what do you want". "I want Vodka" I said. He then left and came back with a shot glass and I thanked him and took the shot. It burned going down but felt amazing. Then a bottle slides to me, I look and see a guy smirking. I thanked him and then took a swig. "You know my taste" I said to him, "stronger the better" he said walking to me. "What's your name" he said, "Kenya, yours" I said, "Dylan" he said. I smiled and said "what you doing here", "just enjoying the day off, what about you" he said. "Gonna get wasted" I said drinking more, "ohh" he said. "Yep, my life is already jacked up so this won't make a difference" I said. "How" he said in confusion. "Well do you remember Eric" I said, he nodded, "well he's my husband" I said. "Oh I'm sorry for your loss" he said giving me a hug. "Yeah ever since I've tried to kill myself so I can be with him" I said. "Don't give up you will be with him one day" he said, I smiled and said "I almost was yesterday" I said. "Then who saved you" he said looking deeply into my eyes, "Misha" I said. "Oh, he's a great friend of mine" he said. I smiled and he smiled too, his smile was adorable. "You know, me and Eric was best friends, we both came from Erudite" he said, "that's cool" I said smiling. "So anyway, since you want to get wasted there is a house party tonight" he said changing the subject, "oh cool, where at" I said smiling. "I dunno, my friend is gonna take me and you can tag along" he said, "I'll come, but that's means I've gotta get clothes" I sad laughing. "Okay, meet me at the Pit at 10:30" he said, "I'll be there" I said smiling. "Alright see you then" he said, "okay" I said and after that he left the bar. I smiled and thought what to wear for the party. So I decide to first check my closet and if I can't find anything I'll go shopping. So I then head to my house.

After hours of looking I can't find a thing. So I then grab my purse and head to the shops.

I get in the Pit and head into a shop called 'Mystery Magic'. I walk in and it's dark and gloomy. I start looking around then found the perfect outfit. I smirked at it the got all of my items and checked out.

I walked to my house and changed into it. I then did my hair and make-up, after that I brushed my teeth and put in a stick of Spear Mint gum in my mouth and though I looked hot.

Man if only Eric was with me though.

I'm always with you no matter what

His voice ran through my head.

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