Ch.4 Jensen

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This is Dylan O'Brien⬆️ if y'all don't know him. Thanks for reading, love y'all!

I woke up with a huge headache and my thighs hurt. I saw that I had no clothes on. I saw they were on the floor. I gasped and saw a really hot guy was  laying next to me with no clothes on either. His eyes fluttered open then I realized it was green eyes. I slightly smiled. Then he pulled me closer to him. "So I never got your name" he said in a hot raspy voice, "I'm Kenya, who are you cutie" I said smiling, "I'm Jensen" he said then kissed my forehead. I blushed and then got up, said "is this you house", "yeah, welcome to my house" he said smirking. I smiled and then got up and put on my clothes. Then clothes got thrown at my face. I picked them up and saw sweat pants and a tee shirt. I looked up and saw Jensen putting on sweat pants. "Your staying here for while" he said while smirking, "okay" I said smiling and slipped on the shirt and pants. I put my clothes in a pile on the floor and then crawl in bed. I noticed Jensen isn't in here, hmm. Then he walks in with two cups of coffee. I smile and he hands me one cup and he also crawls in bed next to me. Nice vanilla flavor coffee, I smiled in delight and he kissed my temple. He turned on the tv and we watched Harry Potter.

After hours of watching Harry Potter for some reason I feel like I might throw up. I run to the bathroom and puke my guts up in the toilet. Jensen stands there and rubs my back. "Can you please get me water" I whispered, "sure" he said and ran out. I got up and flushed the toilet and washed my face and grabbed some of Jensen's mouth wash and used it.

After I used it I walked out and Jensen walked in and handed me the glass of water, I sat on the bed and thought what I may have ate. "Did you eat anything last night" he asked rubbing my back, "no, it's probably since I drank a lot last night" I said drinking the last of the water. "Oh that makes sense, that's happened to me before" he said smiling, I smiled and the said "but I've gotten drunk before and nothing like this happened". "Did you try something new" he asked, "no I only drink beer and Vodka" I said sighing. "Well let's just lay down and see what happens" he said and he took the empty glass and set it on the table. He laid next to me and we cuddled and watched the last three movies of Harry Potter.

We finished them all and I grabbed my dress to go change so I would t take his clothes. "You can keep them if you want" he said standing up, "you sure" I said looking at him and staring at his six pack. "Like what you see, and yes you can keep them, in memory of me"  he said smirking, I blushed and said "then you can have this", and handed him my brown braided leather bracelet. He put it on and then smiled, I grabbed my stuff and gave him a hug, "hopefully I'll see you soon" I said, "oh you probably see me a lot" he said and I swear I bet he was smirking. I looked up and he was. I smiled and then he said "I love you". I smiled and said I love you too".

I walked in my house and shut the door and smiled. I put my clothes and shoes in my room and then thought of what happened last night. I then grabbed my purse and slipped on my Uggs and ran to the store.

I walked in and went down the medical aisle and found a pregnancy test. I grabbed it and then took it to the counter and bought it. I then ran home.

I went in the bathroom and did it. I then waited for the results.

It showed the results and it said.........

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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