{Chapter 1}

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Marinette's POV

Alya and I entered our classroom quietly. Half of me is thinking about Adrien. While the other half is thinking about the announcement.

Miss Bustier's voice snapped me out of my reverie. "Hey class. Bonjour! I have something important to tell you today."

I turned my full attention to the teacher and listened carefully.

"Each year, some students at our school participate in a student exchange month with schools from another country. This year, Canterlot High School will participate with us. I have choosen a few students that will fly to Canterlot city and study in there for a month."

Me and Alya exchanged worried glances. What if she was picked to go to Canter-something or other, high school and I was not? And what of Adrien is picked?! I won't be able to see his handsome face in a month!

The teacher continued her announcement. "Everyone who will attend is expected to be on their best behavior, to follow the student handbook of the host school and make our school proud. Now, I will announce the choosen students who will come."

I nervously listened as our teacher say all the names of the students that will participate. I crossed my fingers and chanted in my head 'Please don't let me be separated from Alya or Adrien. Please! Please! Please!'

I was super revealed when I didn't hear Miss Bustier say my name, my friends' name or Adrien's name called. I sighed in relief. Phew!

Now my nervousness is gone and is replaced by excitement. I can't wait to meet the exchange students. I hope that the students will be nice and friendly.

And of course, I hope to find a new friend.

Twilight's POV

I was eating lunch with my friends when Principal Celestia made an announcement through the speakers.

She said that we are going to join in this student exchange thingy. The school that we are going to participate with is Françoise Dupont High School.

"The teachers in your last class will be the one to announce who will go to Paris and study there for a month." Principal Celestia continued. "They will also give you a paper for the requirements and permission slip. That's all. Have a nice day to all students."

Rarity clapped her hands with excitement "I can't believe we might go to Paris! That is one of the most fashionable and sophisticated cities in the world! I would like to go shopping there."

"Argh! I don't like shopping." Rainbow dash grunted.

Suddenly, Sunset shimmer gasped and realized something. "What if some of us are choosen to go while the others are staying?! We will be separated!"

"You do have a point, sunset." I say. Hmmm, Sunset is right. What if that happens?

"Well, if that happens." Pinkie pie said. "I will have to throw a see-you-after-a-month-and-have-fun-in-Paris party. One month is a looooooooooong time!"

"Let's just hope that doesn't happen." Sunset replied. "Us being separated, I mean. Not Pinkie's party."

The day seem to drag on and on. Until finally, it was our last class.

"Class, it's time to announce who will participate in the student exchange program." Our geometry teacher announced.

I looked at Fluttershy, pinkie pie, and applejack. They are in my class too. I hope we won't be apart for one month.

"...Applejack, Trixie, Octavia, Fluttershy, Pinkie pie, Flower wishes. You are all joining us to Paris."

My face fell. I wasn't included. Now I won't be able to see my friends for a month.

"Oh! And I almost forgot." The teacher said. "Twilight Sparkle is also joining the group."

I sighed with relief. I was joining them after all!

"Now please come here in front to receive your requirements paper and permission slip. Please show this to your parents so they will be alerted."

I got up from my seat and passed by pinkie on the way to the teacher's table. She gave me a thumbs up and I smiled in return.

During dismissal, we all head to the school's statue. We always hang out beside there because it was no ordinary statue. It's secretly a portal to Equestria!

"Oh my Celestia! I'm going to Paris!" Rarity cried.

"Us too!" Rainbow dash and Sunset shimmer said together.

"Cool! We are going too." I say.


Rainbow dash covered her ears. "Not too loud, pinkie! My ear drums almost shattered."

"Sorry!" Pinkie pie apologized. We all giggled.

Rarity smiled. "Oh darlings! I'm so delighted! Maybe we should all celebrate at Sugarcube corner."

"Good idea." Fluttershy cried in her usual quiet voice. "Angel and I like it there. They have amazing carrot cakes."

"It's settled then." Rainbow dash declared. "To the Sugarcube Corner!"

I grinned and realized that I forgot to return my borrowed book to the library. Oops!

"Um, guys. I forgot to return a book from the school library." I said.

"Ok twilight. We can will wait for you here while you go return it, if you want." Sunset shimmer offered.

I shook my head. "Nah! You go ahead. I'll meet you there."

"If you say so." Applejack shrugged. "We will wait for you there!"

"Ok! See ya!" I dashed to the library and quickly returned my book just in time.

Outside, I noticed something under the statue. I approached it with curiousity and found out that it was a crown.

Spike popped out of my bag. "Hey! What is that thing?"

"Spike! You scared me!" I said with a giggle. "It's just a crown."

"Where could it be from?" Spike asked.

I touched the crown and held it so I can investigate it. I glanced at the statue, then at the crown.

"I think it came from the portal." I answered.

"Well, you have no time to check out the crown now. You have to go meet your friends."

I gasped. "I almost forgot about that!"

I looked at the crown that I was clutching. I put it inside my bag so I can take it home and analyze it later.

Part of me wants to go home now and ditch my friends. But that won't be very nice. I'm sure they are waiting for me and would be sad if I didn't come.

I wonder who owns this mysterious crown, though. And what could possibly be it's purpose?

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading this story. Please comment if you like it or you found a typo or something. It will help me a lot to improve my story. Anyways, I'm gonna kill wattpad for deleting half of this chapter. I have to re-write it again! 😡😡😡

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