{Chapter 2}

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Twilight's POV

"What took you so long?" Rainbow dash asked me.

"Nothing." I replied. "I just got distracted from checking out some books."

I decided not to tell my friends about the crown. Maybe I will tell them when I confirmed what it does or where it came from.

Applejack sipped from her apple caramel shake. "Ya sure do like books, huh?"

I nodded and sighed with relief. They believed me! Even AJ, who easily suspects you if you're lying or not, believed me. What I said was the half-truth anyways, it took me a while to get my eye off those fantastic novels!

"Anyways, I heard that Princess Twilight found a new crown. She said that it has miraculous powers if you wear it." Sunset shimmer said.

A crown? Could it be the crown that I found in front of the portal? My drink went down the wrong chute.

Rarity looked at me with concern. "Are you alright, sweetie?"

I gave her a thumbs up as I continue to choke. "Please continue..." I managed to say.

Sunset went back to her story. "As I was saying, if you wear the crown, you will have the power of flight, super agility, strength, and healing. The Princess told me that she lost the crown when she accidentally knocked it and it rolled over to the portal, which was kind of weird since that is where it came from."

"Wait- so the crown came from....here?" Pinkie pie asked.

"I guess so." Sunset shimmer said. "The problem is, if the crown falls to the hands of someone evil, we will be in BIG trouble!"

"Oh!" Fluttershy pipped up. "I hope that doesn't happen."

"Same here" Rarity looked at a little compact mirror to see if her hair is ok. "I don't want to be dealing with dark magic again. I still have to design a dress for my new collection."

"Aww. But fighting dark magic eggheads are fun!" Rainbow dash said.

"Rainbow!" Pinkie, rarity, AJ, and Sunset all cried out at the same time.

"Sorry!" Rainbow dash shrugged. "Ponying up makes me feel AWESOME!"

(Still twilight's POV)

"It could be possible, spike. The crown that I found and the crown that Sunset was talking about could be the same thing..."

Spike jumped from the floor to my desk. "Or it can be a coincidence."

I shook my head. "I doubt that. And even if it's just a coincidence, how will we make this thing work?!"

I tried and tried many things to see what will happen. So far, nothing is working. I grunted with frustration.

"Maybe you should wear it." Spike suggested.

I looked at the crown. "I don't know..."

"It wouldn't hurt to try."


I placed the crown on top of my head. Nothing...

"See it didn't work!" I cried.

"That's because you didn't say, 'Twinkle! Pony up!'" Spike replied. Wait a minute- that doesn't sound like spike!

I turned my head around and saw a teeny tiny pony with large transparent wings. It looks like a pony version of me.

I gasped. "What... Who... Where?!" I stammered, super shocked.

"Hello there, Twilight Sparkle! My name is Twinkle. I-"

"First of all..." I interrupted the little creature. "What are you doing in my lab? Second, why do you know my name?! And third, I thought breezies only exist in Equestria."

Twinkle sighed. "First, I'm here to guide you how to use that miraculous crown that you are currently wearing right now. Second, I have the ability to know what the name of the miraculous user of that crown. And third, I AM NOT A BREEZIE! I am your kwami."

I scratched my head with confusion. "WHAT?!"

Twinkle face palmed herself. "This is gonna take a long time..."

-1 hour, 23 minutes, and 46 seconds of explaining later-

"Ohhhhh! Now I know what the purpose of this crown -err... miraculous is!" I say. "But I don't know, I don't deserve this. I can't do it! I'm such a clumsy girl..."

Twinkle smiled. "You can do it, twilight. You deserve it. You just have to believe in yourself and the power of friendship."

I thought about what she said for a moment. I know that I'm such a klutz and all, but I want to be a superhero. Even just for a day. The thought of helping my friends and other people makes me smile. That's what superheroes do, right?

"I guess you're right." I say. "You mentioned a while ago that there are other miraculous users?"

"Yep!" Twinkle nodded. "But I can't tell you who they are. You'll meet them soon, anyways. For now, you have to go to sleep. You have school tomorrow."

Before I can ask my kwami when or how I will meet the other miraculous holders, she turns off the light and removes my glasses so I can fall asleep easily...

A/N: Hey guys! *quickly hides behind a book shelf* 😁📚 I know, I know. I haven't updated for so long, and I'm really sorry for that. I wasn't able to update because of school. 7th grade can be hard you know! 😑 So please don't attack me if I didn't update for a month again. 😵 I'll try to update as much as I can, ok? It will be hard, but it's the hard that makes it great. Till next chapter! 😝😝😝

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