Chapter 13: Lunch 'date'

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It was 11 in the morning and Beca was sat in her lounge with her laptop on her lap, mixing station open and black coffee sat steaming on her coffee table. She placed her black Bose headphones over her ears and sat with her head rested on the arm of her chair, her legs sprawled anywhere she could possibly find comfy. She bobbed her head to the beat of 'Titanium' and '500 miles' as it flowed through her mind. This was what she loved. The little times she could spend alone with her music, that was so personal to her. That's why she didn't share it with anyone, anyone but her mother and occasionally Jesse.
Occasionally, before she passed, Beca used to sit at night with her mother and would show her the mixes Beca had made during the day. She'd sometimes even let her mother help her with a mix, showing her what to do and how each track fitted into the next. After her mother passed, Beca shielded her music more and shared it with no one, apart from the one time Jesse had insisted to listen to just 1 mix. Sometimes, Beca would take her laptop with her to the cemetery and play her mixes to her mother, it helped sometimes, gave her a feeling that her mother was still there with her.

Beca pulled her headphones off and placed them around her neck when she saw her phone chime from the table in front of her. She reached with her hand for her phone and swiped it off the table to see a text from 'Bootiful Redhead' on her screen. 'Damn I never should have let her have my phone the other day,' Beca smiled to herself as she swiped the screen to see what Chloe had said.

Bootiful Redhead: Hey Becs, fancy that coffee today? ;) xox
Me: Hey, yeah sure and I'm sorry... 'Bootiful Redhead'?? x
Bootiful Redhead: Awh, you know you can't deny it Beca xox
Me: Urgh anyways, are we going for coffee or not? How about lunch too I'm starving..? x
Bootiful Redhead: See you know you can't resist me haha! ;) I'll come to yours in 20, make sure you're ready weirdo... Xox
Me: Just ew... Yeah whatever see you shortly xo

Beca was surprised how easily she got along with Chloe, the girl pushed her boundaries but not too much to get on her nerves. She was just refreshing. Beca was crushing hard on the bubbly redhead and she knew it. She couldn't wait to go to lunch and get to know Chloe better, maybe this would help her to decide what to do about her crush on the girl.

Chloe came to pick Beca up dressed in a pair of white jeans paired with a tight blur tank top that highlighted all her curves. Her ginger girls hung loosely over her shoulders, making her blue orbs pop. Whereas Beca was in her signature black jeans, also with a tank top on, checkered flannel tied around her waist to finish off her look. Her eyeliner was lighter around her eyes than usual and her brown curls had been lightly tied up in a loose ponytail.
"Do you wanna come in for a second? I mean it's only like 11:30 so we can... Hang here for a bit if you want." Beca asked.
"Yeah sure, we can 'hang' here for a bit," Chloe used air quotes and winked at Beca as she walked in the door. Beca simply shoved her lightly as Chloe giggled. The pair collapsed on Beca's sofa and Chloe immediately grabbed the remote and began flicking through Beca's TV.
"I don't know what you're hoping to find Beale," Beca deadpanned.
"Well, I never know what could be on here knowing you Becs," Chloe winked at Beca who just shrivelled her nose up and pushed Chloe with her foot, muttering something under her breath. "Found it!!! How did I know you'd have Netflix, looks like you too have nothing to do in your life," Chloe joked as she opened up Netflix and began scrolling through the programmes.
"Dude, I have loads to do in my life I just... Like to relax from time to time is that a crime," Beca smirked with the hint of a smile on her lips.
"Well, it all depends on what your watching 'badass'... Let's see!!" Chloe squealed as she clicked on 'recently watched'.
"Noooo no no no" Beca screamed. She jumped on top of Chloe and snatched away the remote.
"Owww Beca that hurt," Chloe rubbed her elbow, "I hit it, shit," Chloe said.
Beca immediately put the remote back down on the table and looked towards Chloe,
"Sorry Chlo I didn't mean to hurt you," Beca stated. Suddenly in one swift motion Chloe stood and swiped the remote of the table, immediately scrolling to the recently watched, 'There must be something she wants to hide from me on there' Chloe thought.

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