Chap 10

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It's not about finding a person you can live with, it's about finding the person you can't live without.

- Unknown

Hoseok's Pov

When I first walked into the school and saw all the pictures of Yoongi posted all around the school. They were everywhere even in the girl's bathrooms. I was beyond angry.

Yoongi did not deserve this at all. When I first saw him it was like I was looking into my own eyes, so lifeless and expressionless.

He was a very beautiful boy, short brown hair and hazel eyes. His petite figure which had very full assets.

When I saw him scratching his wrist I instantly knew, I knew I wanted to save him. Give him hope. Give him something to live for.

He did surprise me when he turned up to the place I fight. I saw all the dirty men giving him lustful looks so I took him to the alley where I stuffed my shit behind the bin. Yoongi then continued to surprise me when he brought me to his house and cleaned up all my cuts.

But then arriving in school and seeing all that shit around the still had me fuming. I marched around the school growling at all the shit faces asking who did it. When I found out it was Hwan I went looking for the asshole.

I saw him with his stupid fucking jocks and grabbed him by the collar throwing his back onto the floor.

"Hey what the fu-" He glared at me then his eyes widen in realisation.

"Why the fuck did you post them fucking disgusting pictures of Yoongi?" I growled grabbing his collar bringing him up to his feet.

He must have grew some confidence because he shoved me back but barely did any damage. "Why are you even asking about that slut?" He spat.

"Slut?" I questioned.

"He is sleeping with you and probably any other boy willing for a cheap free ride." He laughed.

I lost it. All I saw was red. I lunged for him and started hitting him. Left then right. My fist hitting his cheeks. Red fucking red. I knew I had lost control.

I heard screaming and shouting but all I cared about was beating this fucking piece of shit. I saw his eyes roll to the back of his head.

"HOSEOK!" I heard someone scream. I looked up and saw Yoongi looking directly at me. I looked around and saw what I have done.

Yoongi didn't question it but held his hand out to me and led me to a bathroom. Once we were there he began cleaning my wounds. It reminded me of the time we were at his house.

When I told him I lost control he just held me. Held me tightly like if he hugged me tight enough he would somehow glue all my broken pieces back together. I did the same to him I held him. I held him tightly height him breathing blowing on my neck.

I knew right there that I would not be letting go of Yoongi for a long time.

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