Chap 29

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Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it

- Confucius

Hoseok's Pov

Tomorrow is my birthday and honestly, I don't want much but to spend time with Yoongi. Kyung messaged me today saying he needed to talk.

At first, when Yoongi brought him to lunch I was a bit suspicious but he explained everything and eventually spent most of his time with us. I mean it was nice having a dude to hang out, not that I didn't enjoy spending time with Yoongi.

There were three knocks and the door and I walked over to open it.

"Wow, man nice place," Kyung said.

"Thanks." I motioned for him to come in.

He took off his shoes and hung his jacket up on the hangers.

"Why did you want to talk to me today?" I said sitting down on one of the sofas. I watched him sit in the armchair.

"I heard you're a virgin." He smirked. "And I'm here to give you tips." At that moment I don't think I've ever wanted to punch someone so much.

"I don't need tips Kyung." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Okay then tell me what you know." He carried on smirking.

I tried to think of things that I've to learn from porn but nothing seemed realistic. "They have an orgasm..?"

"Oh lord," Kyung looked up to the ceiling, "This is going to be a long ass day."

So for a few hours, he was telling me different ways to pleasure a boy and also a girl and shit. Honestly, it was making me uncomfortable in the end.

"And if you do that I guarantee that they will-"

"Alright, I understand," I said getting up.

I looked at the time on the wall clock as saw it was 7:35 pm.

"Man I never even knew that I knew so much before in my life." He smiled.

"Yeah me either." I rolled my eyes.

"Well Happy Birthday for tomorrow man." He patted my back.

I nodded in thanks and watched him put on his shoes and jacket before leaving.

Once he left I walked into my bedroom and laid down. God that was stressful.

I began thinking about when I was younger and how me my father and mother would go out to this ice cream place for my birthday. That was before everything went bad. My 'father' abusing me and my 'mother' running out on us and my 'father' blaming me.

That is why I'm like this now, I need to stand up for myself, I need to be stronger than him. But Yoongi makes me a better person, makes me feel like I don't have to prove to myself that I can be better than my father because I know I am.

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