Chapter 2: What It Takes

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You talked to Yang,Ruby,Mike,Emily,And Maria for a bit before Ruby and yang said bye and walked off

"So Y/N what weapon do you have?" Mike asked as You,Emily,and Maria were walking to the entrance ceremony
"Oh I got these bad boys"

You then proceeded to grab the duel swords on your back,one was F/C and the other was S/F/C,even though it wasn't as thin as other swords it still packed a large punch, and even larger punch when you then pressed a small button on both of the swords, they then transformed into two shotguns, one F/C and the other S/F/C.

"Woah" Mike said as he was watching you transform the swords back, and sheath then on your back
"I get that a lot"
"That's cool"
"So Maria what do you have"

She pulls out a sword, she then turns it up side down to where it's facing the floor. She then started to spin the sword, after a few spins she grabs it, it now has red stripes on it

"Dust" she says pointing the the red stripes
"Cool,cool" mike said nodding
"Now how about you Emily" he said turning to Emily
"It's...not that cool"
"Oh come on it can't be that bad"

She sighs before pulling out a fairly good sized ax

"Is...that it"
"No it can turn into a sniper"
"See it's not that bad"
"So, last but not least. Mike. What do you got"
"Prepare to be amazed" he said pulling out a big sword
" can turn into a mini-gun"
"How heavy?" You ask examining it
"Pretty try it"o

He hands you the sword, you almost drop up but soon getting used to it and then handing it back

"That's heavy"
"I just said that"

You playfully sigh before walking to the Entrance Ceremony


As I sat down and waited for Ruby to arrive, but I couldn't help myself and I thought about Y/N. I felt like a small idiot for calling him a cutie but I couldn't help myself. Yeah I was just doing it out of pure nature but, he was just so he's more then cute he's hot. I looked around and saw Ruby

"Hey Ruby I saved you a spot" I said patting the seat next to mine

Ruby came over and sat down

"You look down, what's wrong" she said as she sat down
"Oh...just about Y/N"
"Oh my big sister got a crush"
"N-no I don't...even though he's really cute"
"I heard that"


We soon arrived at the entrance ceremony, we heard Ozpin's speech and then was informed that we needed to sleep and I the ballroom until we got our proper living spaces. We headed to the ballroom and laid out our sleeping bags. We then decided to talk until we got tired since there was nothing more to do

"And then..." Mike said as he was telling a story about his bully in his school or something.

I wasn't to interested so I stood and decided to walk around

"I'm going on a walk, see ya guys"
"Bye Y/N" they said as I walked off


As I was walking around the ballroom I noticed Ruby and Yang talking, I decided to walk over

"I don't think dad would approve of all the boys though"
"Hey guys" you say walking up to them
"Hey Y/N what's up"
"Oh nothing just was talking with my friends how about you?" You ask as you sit down next to Ruby
"Oh I was just writing a letter, for the people back at signal"
"That seems nice"
" feels weird having no friends at this new school, besides yang of course"
"Well you got Y/N and Jaune" yang says trying to lighten the mood
"Yeah but Weiss probably hates me now" Ruby says
"-one friend" she said after
"You still got Y/N, and Jaune" she said smiling
"Yeah...I guess"
"Hey Y/N come over here" Mike called
"OK, I better be off bye guys" you said walking away giving a light wave
"BYE Y/N" yang called

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