(Vol:2) Chapter 20: This Is What You Deserve

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I woke up, Yang in my arms. I honestly forgot all that happened yesterday, the fire was out and I looked around. Mason passed out, leaning on a tree. Jester and Ruby, who were cuddl- hugging-closely on the other side of the campfire. I looked down at yang, who was still sleeping in my arms. knowing if I move her she'll wake up, I laid back down. I'll let someone else wake everyone up, I soon fell asleep once more.

[Insert Loud Noise Here]

I sat up, the sudden sound awoke me from my slumber. Yang and Mason also woken up and looked towards the sound, nothing... nothing we can see. I carefully moved yang off of me and got up, taking out one of my swords

"Y/N" Yang said behind me


"What's that?"

I turned and saw... this thing, a black figure... red eyes, big mouth, it looked like something out of a horror movie. I readied my sword and looked at the thing, it smiled and turned around.. walking away, soon disappearing from sight

"We need to follow it" Jester said, randomly walking towards it

"Wait? How'd you... wake up so fast?"

"I was up the whole time, Ruby was too" he said

I looked and saw a blushing Ruby sitting on the ground, I turned back to Jester and gave him a look

"Just trust me, we need to follow that thing"

We all looked at each other for a moment, trying to figure out if we should follow that thing or stay put

"I'm with Jester" Mason said, walking next to Jester

Soon everyone else followed Mason and we all ended up following that thing

"So Jester, how'd you know to follow this thing?"

"Video games"

"Huh? So why are we following this thing if the only reason is that you follow things in games?!?!?"


I sighed and threw my hands up

"Fine, have it your way"


I looked into the room once more, the girl. Still sat where she was last time, no movements... I sighed and looked at the desk in front of me, with files and papers on top of it. Picking one up, it was a file that one of the engineers made. A file about a trap that will fill the whole room with gas, which was powerful enough to kill anyone who breathed in enough, and where the gas masks are located. I then looked how to disarm it if you need to enter,

1. Open door
2. Crouch down
3. Locate small box with green X on it
4. Locate wire on top
5. Pull wire off
6. Trap Disarmed

'Seems easy' I thought as I looked back up at the girl
'She's no use to me, I should've killed her... well, I guess I can...' I thought, picking up a knife from the table


We were all walking in a cave, the floor strangely flat and clean. We walked for a few minutes until we heard a somewhat loud scream, we looked and saw Ruby in Jesters arms

"Ruby What happened?

She looked back and saw a handle

"I tripped over a handle"

Jester put her up right, before looking down at the handle, then he looked up and clearly thought of something

"Well well well, thank you Ruby"


"You found that secret base"

"You mean the one that guy told us about?"

Jester nodded and kneeled down, pulling the handle up, opening the trap door. He waved everyone over and then waved down the hole. Mason was the first to jump down, then Yang, then me. The area was all clean and futuristic, Ruby then hopped down. Followed by Jester, who closed the trap door after, all of us then looked around

"It's kinda small" Ruby said

"THATS WHAT SHE SAID" me and Jester both said simultaneously

We then looked at each other for a moment, before bursting out laughing. It took moment for us to calm down, once we did everyone gave us a look

"Really?" Yang said with her arms crossed

"Yeah" I said

Jester chuckled as a door flew open and two people walked out, dressed in black uniforms and blue masks, they were surprised to see us. They quickly ran back and tried to close the door but Jester grabbed it, and pulled it open again


Mason quickly tackled the man and slammed his face into the ground, more of them came. And all of us fought them off, before moving forward again


I sat in front of the girl, putting the knife on the table and relaxing in my seat...

"So tell me, where are your little friends?" I asked

"There probably on there way right now"

"Bet they are, but my forces are to much for them"

Then there was a bang on the window, and one of my men was standing outside

"What the devil?"

I stood up and walked over to the door, pulling it open and looking at the man angrily


"Sir the-"

The man was cut off by a shotgun blast, I looked out the door and saw two kids, I quickly slammed the door and locked it. Grabbing the knife I readied myself. The door handle jiggled and I got more nervous, then another bang on the window, and another and another... then the sound of glass breaking, the window to the door was busted and a hand came through, opened the door and left. Letting the two boys in

"It's over"

I backed into the wall, then remembered the trap. Suddenly gas started to fill the room, I ran to the wall and started to open it. Once it was I grabbed a gas mask, only to be punched to the ground and the gas mask be taken out of my hand, a boy put it on and looked at me. The other boy grabbed two masks and put one on the girl and one on himself, I tried to get up but the gas was getting to me. I tried to keep my eyes open... but it was no use... The last thing I heard... was "this is what you deserve"

Do people still read this? Seriously... anyway that's the end of vol 2 for this book, which means I can focus on that Blake x reader... and that Weiss x reader...

Fun Fact #20?: I have no idea where this book is going

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