(Ending) Chapter 21: Over And Done

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I cut Maria loose from the chair, and pulled her up, she was weak and barely holding on. Jester rushed over and helped me escort her out. We walked through the gas, watching as people who weren't already unconscious trying to find something to protect against the gas. I looked away, and made sure Maria wasn't unconscious, she was awake enough to look around, but too weak to make out a word.

"The gas was meant to kill all of us." I said, looking at Maria.

She looked at me, and slightly nodded.

We made it too the hatch, and opened it up. Jester went first, and then pulled Maria up. I came up next, and closed the hatch behind me.

I pulled off my mask and took a deep breath, I threw my mask away, and looked at everyone else, who left before the gas was set off.

Yang put her arm on my shoulder, and smiled. I smiled back, and looked at Maria.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Jester asked, having a single finger up.

Maria held up one finger, and Jester nodded.

"Unless that was a total guess, she's probably fine."

We all made our way back, slowly but surely. We reached beacon by nightfall, and placed Maria in her bed.

"Well, looks like it's finally over." Mason said, crossing his arms

"For you mason, not for me." Jester said, before smiling, and walking away.

"I'll catch you guys in another book, maybe. I don't know."

We all stood in silence for a bit before mason started to leave as well.

"Bless is waiting for me, somewhere."

Everyone else slowly left, except for me and Yang.

"So, I guess we have nothing else to do."

She hugged me, and I hugged back.

"I love you Yang."

"I love you too Y/N."

Blah blah, fuck you, I'm fucking done, I did it.

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