Chapter 6: I'm Not Good With Words

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I woke up with a pain in my back

"Ugh, stupid bed" I said as I stood up
"You can say that again" Mike said

I yawned and walked into the bathroom, changing from my pajamas to my regular outfit. I exited and walked back to my bed, then I got a message on my scroll

"Hey Y/N, did he mission go off with a yang"
"Haha, well it actually did where going back to beacon today"
"Yeah, il see you later"


We walked around the village for a bit until we found Jaysoon looking at something in his hand

"Jaysoon" I call out, he turns and smiles
"Ah Y/N are you planning to leave today?" He questioned

He only nodded

"When will you go"
"Once the bullhead arrives"

He nodded again as we walked around, we soon got informed that our bullhead was here, we boarded and waved to the village as we left

"Man, that was harder then I thought"
"That's wha-"

I put my hands up as Maria sat back down

"So, now we return to beacon" Emily asked
"Yup, Ozpin told me that when we get back we get the day off"

We talked for a while more until the pilot announced we were almost at beacon, we nodded to him as he continued to fly to beacon



I went to class and boy it was boring, without Y/N being there it was extra boring, if Y/N was here I can at least look him to pass time. Now that he's not here I'm just starring at the board trying to pay attention, it doesn't really work out as I fall asleep during it

(Yang's Dream Land)

"Oh Yang"
"Oh Y/N"
"I love you, let's be awesome together"
"You got that right"

We walk around the Forest looking out for Grimm, we approach a small hut. We go inside and examine the place

"Looks dusty"
"Yeah, now I'm tired let's go to be-"
"PSSSST, yang"


I awoke to the voice, I turn and see Ruby

"Class ended two minutes ago, let's go"

I rubbed my eyes and stood up.

"Well, let's ge-... is Y/N back?" I asked looking at Ruby
"Yeah, I think"

I practically bolted out of the room, running to the dorm area, and then knocking on Y/N door.

"YANG" I heard Ruby scream as she ran down the hall

The door opened and Y/N stood in the doorway

"Hey Y/N"
"Hey Yang"
"so how was the mission?"
"Good, it was pretty easy"
"That's good"
"Ya-, oh hey Y/N"
"Hey Ruby"
"I'm so glad you're back" I said pulling
Y/N into a hug which instantly made him groan in pain
"That was fast"
"T-t-that's what s-she said" Y/N said in a low voice

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