Chapter 2

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Carey's POV

When I arrived at school, first period was over, I was happy cause  it was History and I missed it but it only bothered me cause I got detentionfor coming late, again!  So nothung really happened, the rest of the day were just classes and stuff. So I went to the cafateria for lunch and unluckily for me there was a really long line, longer than other days though. ''really...was everybody this hungry today?'' I mummured to myself. Well after 30 minutes of wating, it was finally my turn and the bad thing was that after waiting hungrily in the line for 30 minutes, I had just figured out it was tuesday which was broccoli and porride day, my worst day. I was served two scoops of porridge and little broccoli---Honestly I felt like I was literally going to puke any time soon. So I found an empty table to sit and eat alone peacefully untilI heard Cameromsay ''hey'' walking towards my direction waving at me, I was about to wave back thinking it was me until Melisa pushed me from behind just to pass. Oh right, I'm sure I just looked really stupid right now. Well I sighed and took the empty sat next to me. I ate my food out of frustration. So by 5.00pm I was expected to be in the detention hall, today was just really messed up. By 5.00pm I was already seated in the detention hall where we were expected to stay quite, very quite for two hours. All our gadgets were seized. After 10 minutes of staying quite and idle I felt like my whole world was about to fall apart until the person I din't expect showed up, Cameron. I gasped the moment he entered the hall with a very evil smirk plastered on his face. I quickly turned away trying to hide the embarassing look on my face.

''so you love being bad huh!''I heard Cameron whisper from the back of my seat behind me, I could swear that he had a smirk on his face. 'what does he want now?' I said to myself, I turned to his direction and gave him a half smile and a half frown and replied with a straight aswer.


''wow you didn't have to be so cold.'' I heard him whisper from behind.

''hello!'' I said half yelling and also in an almost calm voice.

''oh now you choose to reply.''

''I wasn't replying, I just don't understand what you mean by acting so cold''I said all anger n my tone

'' okay kiiten, so what exactly brought you to this hall?''

''does it matter?''

'' there you go again---look just cause I'm asking you a question doesnt mean you have to act like such a spoilt brat'' he whispered coldly.

''excuse me!''I yelled

''shhh....'' Mr Washignton yelled as I turned back to face him in the front.''sorry!'' I said apologetically and meant it.''hey!'' Cameron whispered dehind. '' don't you speak to me.''I raised my voice a little without turning back to face him.''whatever brat!'' he scoffed.I can't even believe this guy, so as time went by with the awkward silence in the hall, I noticed that Melisa and Cameron kept on looking at eachother and smiling, I felt like slapping that smile off of her face.Well I despised Melisa cause she and I used to be bestfriends in the 5th grade,  I trusted her so much, she was like the sister I never had, so my first crush's name was Ian, she knew that I had a chance with Ian, Ian wanted Melisa's help to know things about me, so I'm guessing in the process, she used that as an oppurtunity to make him all for her and so they dated, sad right? So since then Melisa and I haven't been in good terms at all. ''Miss Wiston, Miss Wiston''Mr Washignton called out to get my attention, well I'm guessing with all my thoughts of getting revenge on Melisa I didn't even notice people were already leaving.

''mmm'' I answered coming back to reality.

'' you can go now unless you want an extra hour of detention.''

''no thanks sir.''I said as I quickly stood up, grabbed my books and ran out. Well appareantly today hasn't been a good day at all. Since I was already late, tired and hungry, I decided to branch by a pizza shop. I walked to the counter and began to order.

''Hello, welcome to Rich pizza, what can I getch ya?'' the guy at the counter asked with a fine welcoming smile, I'm guessing his name was Jake.

''um I'll have pepperoni cheeses with beef please.''I replied

'' gotten! any drink?'' he added

''sure, just cream soda.''

''alright that would be $5 for the small size.''

''okay there you go.'' I said handing him the money

''Thanks, your pizza would be ready in 10 minutes'' ''okay thanks'' I said as I looked for an empty seat to sit down on. Finally I spotted one, when I sat down, I decided to give my mum a call to make sure she wasn't freaking out. 'ring....ring' ''hello? Carey? Is everything okay? hope you,re not hurt? where are you? speak to me....please...are you there?'' And I was wrong, mum had lost it.

''mum I'm okay, I just got into detention that's all,''

''what? wat did you?hope you weren't framed'' I could hear mum screaming and yelling through the phone.

''mum could you just stop over reacting---seriously! I was late okay, and right now I just stopped to get pizza''

''what! Carey you had better....'' I cut the call because I was tired of listening to her. About 3 minutes later Jake he dude at the counter signaled me with a receit in his hand. I stood up, walked towards him ,thanked him, took my little box of pizzaand left. I decided to stop at a park to enjoy my pizza. While eating it I got a text from mymum sayin 'Carey honey you have to get home now cause we have an urgent message for you.' What could this urgent message possibly be, weel I guess there's only one way to find out then.

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