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Chapter 5 of the spirts song - ywp nanowrimo!

Dear diary,

Well,we made It.We came here and we've been camping outside here for ages.But how did we get here?Let me tell you.

It all started when Neon shake me and Mystic awake.I awoke startleled.We were in the dark forest .Where we ended up.

We started to walk at roundabout 8 in the morning.Early for me.I felt like one day somthing good will come.Like I could become a hogwarts ghost.Or get a time to shine.But now I had this to do.

Right now I needed to relax and do it smoothly.And what better to calm my self Down but a song?A song always cheered me up!Having a diary keeps me alive and able to spill beans to you.

In times of fear like now singing cheers you up.Even an appalling joke puts a smile on your face.Its sad to see yourself in the mirror.Mystics a vampire , so he can't do that.He has no reflection.

Mystic has less problems , lucky him.Neon was with me when we died.He went with be everywhere.

We were like the golden trio in the real world.Harry Potter is and wsd my life.The only other happiness

Happiness is essential in my life.Life filled with sadness needs happiness.No good without bad they say.

Life is life I thought."are you okay Spiro?"asked Neon

"yeah just...thinking"

"we are here!"

"we can't get him now!!"

"no , let's camp."


So we did.Outside the big green wooden house.In my kind a nightmare took place.I hope for the best.

Love Spiro x

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