home again

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The spirits song - chapter 6 nanowrimo ywp!!!!!!!

Dear diary,

Coming home gave me mixed feelings , sadness , happiness , everything really.

But I was doing the interview tomorrow , so that could be humiliating or epic.So I dont know what to expect.

I breathed a sigh , its nearly time we were home.All of the things in my head could wait , but one.



"are you gonna stay?" I asked , hoping Secretly he would

"of course!"He answered"you honestly thought I would leave you spiro?I love you like your my brother"

"and what about neon?"I said"He has to stay,he is my brother!"

I picked up neon and he jumped on my back.We ran home,this is what life was supposed to be like.

My time makes me teary eyed , of joy now.Joy is the best

But now I found out who I really am.I'm the one who will prove the world.I will make this life best.You only live twice.Ghost or human ,You need to make the most of it.

Life is good...

We arrived at the Field in a flash.Being home again sprung a tear to my eye.I remembered it so vaguely since all the action took over.

It felt wired , sad , and joyful.All mixing around my head.

It was good to be home



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