time to shine

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Chapter 7 of the spirits song-ywp nanowrimo

dear diary,

Well , another adventure finished , but a new adventure will begin.I'm sure of that.I bet my friends are too.

The interview started with and unsteady pace.I was lost for words.Literally my mind went blank.I didn't know what to do.

"please welcome , the three friends Spiro Mystic and neon!!"Sang the chirpy interviewer.

We all waved."so,how does it feel to be ghosts"

"okay I guess , just something that happens..."

"What do you do then , any hobbies?"

I didnt need to think for a second.


"would you like to sing us a song?"

"yes!!I wrote song so please could I sing it?"

It was like it was scripted.He answered that I could sing whatever I wanted to.

I began to sing , like It was what I was born to do.

And I escaped in to that world , the world of neverland , the only ticket is my songs.

All my friends clapped.

"W-Well that was amazing Spiro" he started "so a question for you and you brother , so the man is mystics farther and also killed you two"

"bang on" neon answered

"well , we better be going , thanks for letting us carry it all out , and spiro?"


"your bound to get lots of adventures with a voice like yours and bravery like yours and humor like yours"

Boy was he right.This was my time to shine



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