Back to normal

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The spirits song-chapter 9-ywp nanowrimo!

Dear diary

After what happened with the interveiw , i am glad to say that everything is back to normal

or is it?After yesterday I cant help but reflect on what the interveuw man told me.

I think I will have another adventure soon , but not now , i need a rest , a time to sit back and let life roll out like a movie.

A rest and enjoy the view.No problems.No bad thingd.Just good things.

A book , friends an a home is all I need.

I will venture soon.

As this was swirling in my head mystic came up to me.

"some adventure we had there.You got centure stage in that interveiw.

"I like to sing.You would play footy on telly if they asked you."

"i guess i know you need a break from action"

I did.I turned over and went to sleep.

Neon lay next to me.We embraced into a hug.

This is why i live again.To have this feeling.This was it.



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