Chapter Two: A small baby

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Natasha's POV
Natasha got the text at 2:34 a.m. at a disclosed location on a mission. It was a short text, pretty vague, but it hit her hard. Come to the tower Bruce is down. Natasha didn't even have to look to know the text was from Tony.

The plane ride was smooth with very little turbulence. Natasha was surprised to get on such a nice plane on such short notice, she'd packed her clothes and got on the plane I'm less than five minutes.

When the plane landed in New York Natasha quickly grabbed her clothes and got into a expensive car Tony had sent for her. The driver Hoppy or was it Happy drove pretty fast as if he could sense her utter want no  not her utter  want but a need to get to the tower to see Bruce.

Bruce is down. Bruce is down. The words rung in her head blocking out all other thoughts as she rode in silence towards the tower.

When Natasha arrived at the tower she put on her business face so nobody would try to stop and talk to her. Only one thing mattered at the moment and that thing was Bruce. It reminded her of drowning and how nothing matters in those moments but getting air. Her air was Bruce.

Natasha checked her watch it was 6p.m here almost fifteen hours ahead from the timezone of her mission. Natasha had a feeling Tony would be down in the lab so she went to check there first because he'd know where Bruce would be.

Natasha wasn't surprised to see that she was right about Tony being in the lab, he was turned around reading a book. "Tony where's Bruce?" Natasha asked hoping her voice wasn't as weak as she felt. Tony turned to face her with a bundle of blankets in one arm and a baby book in the other. He had shinning eyes he's about to cry Natasha thought and then she wondered if she had shinning eyes of her own.

The bundle moved and Tony moved his arm out to Natasha for her to take it. Natasha grabbed the bundle and unwrapped it until she was holding a less than a year old probably six months old baby wearing a big AC/DC shirt. Natasha knew it wasn't just any baby she could tell it was Bruce by his already fluffy hair and the way he held himself awkwardly to her. She hugged the baby tight.

After Natasha stopped hugging baby Bruce, Tony took them to see his nursery. It was avenger themed and every child's dream. It was totally decked out with the necessaries to useless junk
, it was perfect.

Natasha was about to put Bruce down when Tony made a face. Natasha looked down and realized Bruce was asleep so she laid him lightly down in his crib and kissed him on his forehead good night.

After Tony said goodbye to Bruce and also kissed him on his head Natasha drug him to the kitchen and sat him down for a talk. "Why's my boyfriend wearing diapers? Start at the beginning and don't leave out a single detail" .

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