Chapter Ten: The thunder and the cure

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    Thor is not a senseless idiot in this chapter like how most people write him, he is a caring person who just wants his 'little' buddy to be happy. Also do not try the things Thor does in this chapter because there's a good chance you could die. There are mentions of child abuse and death and pieces of the Thor Ragnarok Trailer. This chapter is also super long compared to normal.

                                                Thor's POV

     To be honest it came as a shock to Thor when Tony called telling him of Bruce's (little) condition. The even bigger shock was when he asked him to watch the younger Avenger. From what Thor could understand was that Pepper needed Tony's help for some reason or another (probably an emergency)  and that they wouldn't be back till later tonight. And Natasha had a mission she had to be at and would return as soon as possible.

     Thor was honored that his friends would allow him to watch this mini-version of his absolute favorite friend from work/ battle brother. He was ready for almost anything this day could throw at him. Almost.

     He landed with a light thud as he returned from Asgard to midgard- no Earth was the preferred name , and made his way up to the tower.

     It was about seven in the morning from what the digital reading told Thor so he went into the kitchen to prepare the most civilized breakfast ever invented: Poptarts (Trademarked). That was when he saw his small (who he would later learn was twenty) companion drinking what seemed to be coffee. "Good morning friend Bruce would you like some breakfast?" Thor boomed only to have Bruce drop his cup and brake into several pieces.

    "S-sorry I'll clean it up," Bruce stammered looking anywhere, but Thor and trying to find something to wipe up the mess with.  "No worries my dear friend I'll just summon Stark's cleaning bots and the mess will be no more," responded Thor with much less volume, trying to make this younger version of his friend comfortable around him.

    After the bots cleaned up the mess there was an uncomfortable silence, Thor knew he would have to be the one to break it. "I am Thor of Asgard, I can tell that you can't remember me by the way your expression is, but I think I have something that can help," he pulled out a medium scrap book from his knapsack.

    "You can take it and look at it some if you'd like while I change into more traditional clothes," Bruce hesitantly grabbed the book knowing that the man in front of him meant well, even if he wasn't who he said he is.

    Thor made his way to his room which had a nice balcony for flying and found a gray sweater that matched what his friend was wearing and slung it on thinking that maybe if he dressed like Bruce he wouldn't look so intimidating. That was when he heard a strange noise and a loud thud and  ran like a rocket to Bruce.

    Thor knew something was wrong as soon as he entered the room, the lamp by where Bruce was sitting was broken but the bulb was still hot. Thor walked around the room looking for some traces of had happened and where his small friend from work had gone. Thor almost gave up until he noticed bloody foot prints leaving the library and down the halls.

    Thor followed the footprints all the way to Bruce's room where even on the other side of the door he could hear heavy breathing and chocked back sobs. Unsure what to do Thor knocked lightly at the door and softly told his "mate"he was going in.

    Thor's could feel his heart breaking when he caught his eye on the smaller man. It reminded him how little and broken he was when Thor found him in the arena in Sakaar. Bruce was huddled in on himself looking at one of the pictures with a great amount of intensity. Thor started the scrapbook after he rescued him from slavery and bought a camera, there were several pictures of many Asgardians they had befriended  and were later killed in the great battle, though he doubted that was why Bruce was upset.

    "What harms you?" Thor asked walking over to his friend. Bruce just flipped around the book to show a picture of Hulk destroying a large creature. Bruce has figured out who Hulk is Thor thought that means I have to fix all of this. "My dad... he used to beat me Thor... he said I was a monster, and my mom tried to save me from him... and he-he killed her and now... it seems that he was right and my mom died for no reason," Bruce started. This both saddened and enraged Thor, the only other time Bruce ever mentioned even getting beaten for no reason was when he had gotten Bruce drunk in Asgard.

    "The green beast name's Hulk he is one of my greatest friends, my favorite of all of the Avengers, and is a hero to all and anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong," Thor said softly and noticed that his friend had stopped his heavy breathing and silent sobs and now had a light smile on his face 'Thanks Thor".

    Thor brought Bruce to the balcony and decided  to play a practical joke on him, he pretended to fall off the balcony and then flew up in the sky amazing the smaller man. After that Thor tried to convince Bruce that he could in fact put a fork in the toaster without getting electrocuted ,but was proven wrong when he got shocked and scared Bruce but then reassured him that he was fine because lighting is his friend. They agreed that the best part of the day was by far when Thor was reading and Bruce shocked him using static electricity which Thor had never seen in action before.

    Before 9p.m. Tony came home to hear all about their day and how great it was. Tony whispered something in Bruce's ear who nodded his head yes before Tony took off to his lab. "What did Stark ask you?" asked Thor. "He finished this serum or cure really that'll um, speed up my aging so I'll be the age I'm supposed to be and he asked if it were okay to go ahead and give it to me," Bruce answered as Tony reentered the room.

    "This may sting or it may not I'm not sure, but here it goes," Tony said before he gave Bruce the shot. Thor thought that his battle brother was taking it pretty well until his eyes rolled and he started to quickly slip out of his chair. Thor grabbed the small man and told Tony he was taking Bruce to his room to watch him before Tony could disagree.

    Thor smiled at the man in his arms for some day he would be a life saver and a hero to everyone he'd ever meet.


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