Chapter Four : A walk in the park

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Sorry its taken me so long to write this story I've had an eventful summer. I hope you like this chapter,it's okay to give me feedback of how I'm doing.

Bruce's POV
The first thing Bruce noticed when he woke up the next morning was that he wasn't't in his bed in Ohio. He seemed to be in some sort of oddly themed nursery in a crib to small for his four year old self. The nursery seemed familiar in some ways or another.

Bruce stood up in the crib and began to panic. He must've been kidnapped it was the only logical answer to how he got to where he was. Oh no what if they're as bad as my dad? the chilling thought brought him to tears just as he noticed a baby monitor who had surely heard his distressed cries.

"Have no worries young sir I have contacted Mr.Stark about your current distress." came a British voice seemingly out of nowhere. To avoid being seen by this "Mr.Stark" Bruce climbed out of the crib and hid behind a large red and yellow teddy bear with a weird mask on.

When his nursery door opened Bruce expected to see a buff man with fifty tattoos each in a shape of a skull with a metal bat slung on his shoulder. Not a slightly familiar average height man with a smile on his face. "Hey Brucie buddy you don't have to be sad, come on out and we can have some fun,'' the man said in a soothing voice. The man seemed so sincere and so familiar and unlike his dad Bruce almost came out of his spot.

"Come on Brucie you can come out it's just me your good old friend Tony, we've met before remember?" the man-no Tony the name did sound familiar- asked. Bruce slowly moved from behind the strange red and yellow bear and cautiously approached Tony. He smelled bacon and suddenly his stomach growled. "You seem hungry, Natasha is cooking something for us, bacon and pancakes I think.'' "Yes sir I'm hungry." Bruce answered back as images of an attractive red head went through his head "Is Ms.Natasha a red head?" Bruce half asked half whispered.

Tony held his hand out and Bruce took it quickly remembering how nice he was to him when he was an infant. "Yea Natasha is a red head, and don't call her Ms. and don't call me Mr. I'm your friend not some sort of old man," Tony chuckled.

The kitchen was huge almost the size of his desert base home. Tony instructed him to sit down in a chair with several books stacked up so he could be seen over the table. Natasha sat in front of him and Tony sat beside him as he ate his partially burnt breakfast.

"Where do you want to go today little guy, the zoo or the park?" Natasha asked Bruce made a mental note that she had a pretty voice. "I'd like to go to the park please." Bruce replied sheepishly.

The park had children running around playing tag and swinging on swings and sliding down slides. It looked like a complete mess to Bruce so he just sat down by a coy pond with Natasha and Tony and tried to explain on how long coy live. After a few hours at the park Tony got everyone a nice New York style hotdog and called Happy to drive them home.

"Are you rich?" the question came out of Bruce's mouth before he could stop himself when Tony's "Happy" showed up in a limo. Tony let out a light chuckle "I'm so rich other rich people look poor" and opened the limo's door for Bruce and Natasha.

When the trio got back to Avenger's Tower Bruce got to pick a movie to watch. When he picked Beauty and the Beast Natasha and Tony had to hold back an awe. After the movie they ate spaghetti and brownies after Bruce said that they were his favorite foods. Then Bruce took a hot shower and realized he had no clothes to change into so he stepped out of the bathroom with a towel over his waist and went to ask Tony if he had an clothes for him.

Tony surprisingly had some clothes that fit him they had a robotic red and yellow person that resembled the red and yellow teddy bear on them. "What's that?" Tony was pointing at a medium sized bruise on his left shoulder. "Uh nothing, I fell doing down the stairs at my house I'm gonna go change now." Bruce quickly walked away and got dressed to avoid any other questions.

After Bruce got dressed Natasha declared it bed time. Bruce tried to argue,but then realized it was pointless and admitted he was tired and gave her a goodnight kiss. 'Tony, can I sleep with you?" Bruce asked with a yawn in his voice he didn't feel like sleeping alone tonight. Instead of answering Tony lead Bruce into his bedroom and sat him down on his bed. Once Tony laid now Bruce grabbed him around the middle and whispered "Goodnight Lord Awesomeness, see you again I hope."

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