Chapter Five: The monster in the mirror

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This chapter does have some brief hints of child abuse so if that's triggering then I wouldn't read this chapter it's really nothing,but I felt I should say something about it.

                                                               Natasha's POV

   Natasha woke up and put on her gym clothes,the clock read 3a.m. she'd have some time do some yoga and then make Tony and little Bruce some breakfast. Bruce. If Bruce was his normal self they'd both still be in bed with one of  Bruce's arms around her waist and the other under  her head as her own personal pillow.

   After Natasha did a little yoga and gave the punching bag a few solid hits she took a quick shower and headed to the kitchen. Muffins were always Bruce's favorite,but little Bruce seemed to like pancakes and bacon so she started on cooking those instead.

   The boys came in as soon as she finished cooking. Tony had complete bed hair and was in a designer suit, Bruce on the other hand had a military haircut and a ratty sweater with little test tubes on it. Yes her curly haired clumsy scientist and future boyfriend had a military haircut. "Bruce uh...what happened to your hair?" Natasha asked him shocked at the sight. Bruce flinched at the question "Well my dad he uh, says I look look like a hoodlum when its long so uh yea..." he trailed off awkwardly.  

   Instead of answering to that he handed him a plate of pancakes and bacon. "How do you feel about science Brucie my boy?" came Tony's voice from beside him. Bruce turned his head to answer him and that was when Natasha noticed his black eye.

     "I love science," came Bruce's voice, it was husky even at his young age. Tony seemed to have noticed the black eye too, they shared a meaningful look. "I have a lab upstairs you wanna go?" Tony asked. Instead of taking Tony's now out stretched hand right away Bruce seemed to ponder his options and then he grabbed Tony's hand.

     Natasha normally didn't go to the lab unless it was to give Bruce his lunch (the man forgot to eat sometimes) or to do something completely unrelated to science with Bruce. However, now that Bruce was younger (six, seven tops) she felt a need to watch him at all times.

     Tony seemed to be trying to show Bruce what chemicals you could mix together to make an explosion. Bruce on the other hand seemed to already know what Tony was trying to teach him and much more and made an explosion twice the size as Tony's.

     Tony started some small talk with Bruce and Natasha joined in here and there assessing the situation. "So um what happened there buddy," Tony asked pointing to Bruce's swollen eye. "Um, I was riding my bike and I uh fell off-it doesn't hurt anymore," Bruce ended with color coming to his face. Tony took the color as embarrassment. Natasha took it as lying.

     Tony and little Bruce stayed in the lab for a little longer before Natasha asked Bruce if he wanted to help her cook lunch. Little Bruce just like her Bruce said he loved cooking and would help as soon as he washed his hands. Seeing little Bruce reminded Natasha why she wanted kids when she was younger, she liked how domestic it felt.

    Natasha was halfway through making lunch before she realized Bruce hadn't came back yet. She stopped what she was doing and went straight towards the bathroom and knocked on the door. The door opened- it wasn't completely shut- revealing Bruce hazily staring at himself in the mirror, both seeing and unseeing at the same time.  "Natasha do you see it-him- the-monster-thing in the mirror?" Bruce asked eyes not leaving the mirror. Natasha had a hunch that she knew exactly who or what he was talking about.

     "No sweetie all I see is a beautiful little boy who I care about a lot," Natasha replied something about the question made her feel uneasy.  "Oh okay," Bruce replied and turned to face her with all of his previous haze gone "What are we cooking?" "Chicken, lets leave the mirror behind and go to the kitchen," Natasha held out her hand and was happy when little Bruce took it.

     After lunch Tony declared that they should have an art contest and they all agreed it'd be fun. They doodled for a little bit and then they started the contest. Tony drew stick people claiming that they were Bruce,Natasha,and himself and that it was a true masterpiece worthy of its maker. Natasha drew a red rose with sharp thorns to symbolize who she was before being an avenger. Bruce drew a green man about six years old with sharp teeth and a lot of muscles. The Hulk. When Natasha asked who he was Bruce just shrugged and said something that missed her ears,but sounded pretty close to me and daddy.

     It was about 9a.m. when hey were done so Natasha told Bruce to get ready for bed. When Bruce came back dressed in a bear onsie with bear ears both Natasha and Tony held back awes and took out their phones. Natasha took pictures for memories, Tony took some for what he claimed was blackmail but she knew better. Bruce gave Natasha a kiss on the cheek and Tony a (bear) hug and left for his bed.

     "Tony Bruce drew the Hulk and I am pretty sure he can see him in the mirror," Natasha stated trying to act like she didn't care as much as she really did. "I know,but the only thing we can do is make sure he turns into our Bruce while I try to create a cure" Tony replied trying to soothe her. Tony left to his lab and Natasha grabbed a whole tub of ice cream-she is a stress eater after all- and left to her room to ponder what Tony had said.



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